March 23, 2009

New Faucet (2 Comments)

Filed under: In the Kitchen,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 12:14 pm

Once in awhile we get wild and crazy around here. It’s just who we are.

One day, we wandered around a Big City trying desperately to spend money and stimulate the economy but finding blockades at every turn; in desperation we turned to the home improvement box store knowing in our hearts that was the place to accomplish our mission. We emerged victorious! We were the proud owners of a new kitchen faucet.

The old:

Old Faucet

The place to push to make it spray was falling apart plus it wouldn’t pull out anymore because the hose part was broken.

The new:

New Faucet

It’s lovely. It’s really tall, which causes a little bit of splashing but it’s nice for getting things under it. It has a button to stop the flow of water which is nice for filling things not directly in the sink. The end can pull out and spray. On the left is a soap dispenser. So far, I really like it.

March 21, 2009

Extreme Hairstyles (3 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 12:02 pm

It’s a new show! Catch it right here! Here is a sneak preview of the new sport- Extreme Hairstyles!!!!

First you brush the hair.

Brushing Pixie\'s hair

Notice the Hairstylist already has her hair in an Extreme Style.

Then the clips are put in.

Putting in Clips

And even MORE clips! How far will she go? How many clips can one head hold?

More clips

The finished Extreme Style.

Front View

Side view, to get the full effect.

Side view

Then the Extreme Hairstylist can rejoice in her creation.


And that ends another sneak preview of the exciting new show Extreme Hairstyles! Tune in next time to see even more wild and crazy styles!

March 18, 2009

Walks with Pals (1 Comment)

Filed under: KJ,Personalities,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 12:48 pm

Sometimes it’s hard carrying your friends.

Pixie and Friends

One needs to improvise.

March 15, 2009

Teeth Issues (3 Comments)

Filed under: HP,Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 7:46 pm

Ages ago, when The Boy began to lose his teeth fast and furious, just like they came in, there was a problem. The old ones would not fall out before then new ones came in. The new ones would come in behind the old tooth. Here is an example:

Boy loose tooth

Then he stopped loosing teeth. And we waited for Pixie to start the process.

And we waited.

That picture was taken in March 2007, before The Boy was 7, and was some of the last teeth to come out. Pixie was over 6 and no teeth were wiggling.

She went in to have her teeth cleaned and the hygienist noticed tooth ridges coming up behind a tooth. We encouraged her to wiggle the tooth in front but often it was forgotten. The tooth behind was coming in fast.

Pixie Teeth

Her Father was getting ready to work on it some one evening not too long after this photo was taken when she came running out to tell us that her tooth had come out! She was very excited and we were all glad.

It must be a genetic thing. From The Col. Panic’s side of the family. We’ll see how the rest fall out.

February 25, 2009

Bears in our Trees! (1 Comment)

Filed under: Fun,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 3:01 pm

They are ferocious!

Bears in Tree

They crept into our yard and took over the tree. They are mean, vicious and terribly….terribly….

Cuddles in tree


They came in, terrorized us and just as mysteriously, left.

Molly in tree

I hope they don’t find their way to your trees.

February 22, 2009

The Boy’s Dam (3 Comments)

Filed under: HP,Personalities,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 12:33 pm

Note: This is a guest post by The Boy.

I built my dam off of the creek hoping to reduce the risk of flooding by taking water off the creek. I was trying to make a ditch to take the water from the creek since I had to get water into the dam I had to shovel water from the creek with the shovel. Which is no fun especially when you have dirt separating the mini reservoir from the creek.

Building the dam

I wasn’t very successful because the creek dried up right after I built it.

Shovels at dam site

The board helped a little to keep the dirt from washing away.

Close up

I thought this looked like it was under water.


Self portrait of the author.

The Boy

February 19, 2009

My Friend (0 Comments)

Filed under: Dictionary,Personalities,TG — The Spider Herself @ 4:13 pm

Miss Sunshine has name issues. When she likes someone she calls them “My Friend” even when she knows their name. She did that with the boy that they argued about, hardly ever using his name. Then a new “My Friend” came into the picture.

The local homeschool group has a sports time where the older kids learn to play a variety of sports and then we go over to a local gym and have recreation time. It’s just a big free for all open gym time where the kids can run around, play with balls and have a good time. The Moms sit around talking. After one of these days, MIss Sunshine came home talking about “My Friend”. A girl this time. After several times, I managed to get a name out of her but there are two girls with that name. At first I thought it was the younger one but with help from The Boy and Pixie, I figured out it was the older one- she’s probably 10. I don’t really notice them interacting that much but it she seems to have made an impression.

Miss Sunshine thinks “My Friend” is really neat. She gets excited that she might see her, makes her drawings and cards. It’s fun to see.

I suppose, one of these days, “My Friend” will change. I just hope it doesn’t take me weeks to figure out who she is talking about.

February 17, 2009

Us Girls (10 Comments)

Filed under: Dictionary,KJ,Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 4:48 pm


“Us girls don’t like that!”

“Us girls want to go there.”

A united front of girls.

United front

February 7, 2009

Farmer and Wife (2 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Life,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 9:29 am

Farmer and Wife

You will need to click to enlarge the thumbnail to see that the Farmer is wearing her brother’s boots. We found the hats at a thrift store and they’ve been wearing them ever since.

“Well, gee, Miss Pixie, think it might rain?”

Well Gee!

Miss Pixie

Pixie dressed up

Farmer Sunshine holding Baby Jonathan.

Farmer Sunshine

January 22, 2009

The Gate in Winter (2 Comments)

Filed under: Photos — The Spider Herself @ 12:11 pm

I posted this Gate in summer here.

While we were visiting the Rain Forest over New Years it didn’t just rain on us (3 inches on New Years day) but it also snowed an additional 4-6 inches (there was a disagreement about how much snow there was). It provided me with a chance to get some great snow shots.
Gate in Winter

I was having problems getting the photo to upload. I was trying all sorts of things- closing the program, logging off and nothing was working. I was about to call the Tech Support Guy for this web site, who I am sure, would have some sort of accent being half German and all, when I tried one last thing. It worked and we are up and rolling again! Tech Support will be so proud of me.