I decided that I should forgo cream (the real thing, “heavy” even) in my coffee. I thought it might be hindering any weight loss efforts. Yesterday I drank BLACK coffee. No milk either. I survived, but just barely. (It wasn’t too bad actually. Don’t tell.)
I mentioned this to The Big Guy and his first reaction was of concern for my well being. Snort! Fooled you! His first thought was that HE would have to do without (he likes it on occasion) or drink a whole lot more of it so that what we did buy didn’t go bad. So with my well being and happiness in mind he convinced me that the small amount I have in my (most of the time) one mug of coffee wouldn’t derail my health.
So I am creamless no more. It’s in the coffee this morning. Yum.
One would normally think of nails as the things pounded into boards by hammers. In our household that understanding would leave you confused. The other definition would be the things on the ends of fingers and toes- which would make a little more sense when KJ says she doesn’t want her nails cut. But you would still be thinking of the wrong body area.
Here, nails means bangs.
I spent some time yesterday looking around at other blogs. Some people actually have people who leave comments, amazing that. But I digress. One of the things that struck me was the long list of other blogs they have listed at their sites. Does that mean they take the time to seriously, daily, read all 20-4o blogs listed? Or do they check in every so often to see what is happening? How much time do these people have anyway?
The ones I looked at were mostly women with kids, some home schooling families, and they post quite often to their own blogs- at least daily. I know this takes quite a bit of time in it’s own right but maybe I am a slow writer. But then to check out other people’s work takes quite a while too. How do people do it?
I must be time challenged.
My little Sunshine is a hair magnet. Since she was very little she would find hairs, anyplace, anytime. Before she could talk she would hold up her hand and say “hai, hai!” She wouldn’t be happy until the offending item was found and taken from her. She would come running up with her thumb and index finger pinched tightly together yelling “hai!”. Sometimes it would somehow escape the death grip and couldn’t be found. If there was a hair to find, she finds it and demands that it be thrown away.
At lunch yesterday, the older two kept saying something about hair and TG but I was on the phone and thought it was just the Magnate at work. Then I went into Black Ear and saw the long strands of hair lying about and the scissors on the counter. Oh no! One of my greatest fears had come to pass.
I have been very diligent, almost to the point of paranoia about the kids and scissors. Their scissor skills are lacking because I hardly ever let the scissors into their chubby little hands. But I had let my guard down and left the hair cutting scissors out on the counter in the bathroom. The kids are not supposed to be back there without me, but that’s just one of those silly things Mom says to herself and so what if the door is closed? They’ve never heard of privacy.
To be honest, at least she cut the hair in a place that is hard to see. Her floppy hair and bangs cover up the area she snipped. But when one is already hair challenged, well- every little bit helps.
There has been a lot of talk about the Government listening in to phone calls, snooping through emails and maintaining a gigantic database with lots of information about YOU. Many feel this is an invasion of personal privacy.
In my dictionary privacy is defined this way: “the quality or state of being hidden from, or undisturbed by, the observation or activities of other persons. Freedom from undesirable intrusions.”
I am not concerned about a big database with bits of potentially embarrassing personal items about me, maybe this is naivety on my part but I am concerned with another invasion of personal privacy.
I would like to go to the bathroom, by myself, without screams wafting through the house (and two closed doors), and without fingers or toes wiggling at me from under the door. I don’t think this should be too much to ask but apparently, to my children, it is an unheard of thing.
Yesterday, I needed to make a quick run to Henry, and told KJ and HP that I would be right back. KJ followed me, whined something outside the door and then stuck her toes under it to “peek” at me. She decided that it was imperative that her cold tea be warmed up just at that time that I choose to leave the area. Silly me.
Privacy and young children do not mix. Ask any Mother. The Government doesn’t need to listen to my phone calls; my 6 year old does that. They don’t need a data base of my embarrassing moments; my kids see every one and they’d tell you all about it.
Finally! Hans’ front tooth came out! It was hanging there by a thread when it was knocked out while playing this morning. He wasn’t sure if it was the Brute or KJ who did the final deed but it’s done! No more loose teeth for the moment.
Our thanks to Rachel and Devin for getting him to work on it so much on Friday night. The adult tooth looks to be about half way in and the baby tooth just didn’t seem to be getting any loser until then. Hans tends to be a weanie (did I say that?) and didn’t want us to pull it.
Only 18 more to go.
What is it with the time change and kid’s internal clocks?
One would expect that kids that normally get up about 6:45 AM would sleep until 7:45 with day light savings time. Especially, when they went to bed late- or was it the normal time? But that would be false thinking because we are dealing with children and that mysterious internal clock that goes off anytime there is a threat of sleeping in. Or of letting the parents sleep in. They continue to get up at what the clock says is the “normal” time- as in 6:45. Which by my not-yet-adjusted belly clock is 5:45.
Then the whining and crying starts because of sleep deprivation. I know, an adult should have more self control. Maybe the kids should send me to my room.
We had friends over for dinner last night. Mind you, I don’t do the Martha Stewart Style of entertaining! I try to get the house reasonably clean, good food (I hope) and conversation. I don’t garnish things but put them in serving dishes instead of leaving them in their pots. My main goal is to get together with people and enjoy them and try not to get caught up in how “perfect” things “should” be.
We had everything picked up and vacuumed on Thursday. Friday became the challenge to keep everything looking decent. The Girls have become especially messy lately. They will have a picnic on a blanket in the living room, the books spread all over every place, and the stuffed animals all over the family room in no time flat. KJ is good about picking up but TG is still in avoidance. The mess was really threatening to get out of hand Friday afternoon. The Girls didn’t nap and were up with lots of time on their hands. KJ ended up getting sent to her room for sassing me when I told them to pick up the blankets that were being made into a fort. She stomped her little indignant foot and shouted “NO!”. She was to stay in her room until her Father got home, which did end up being longer than I thought. When we opened the door to let her out she was asleep on the floot. Which was not a bad thing.
We had Arroz con Pollo (it was left in it’s pan because there was so much of it),beans, salad, homemade salsa and guacamole. Turned out yummy, if I may say so. I made a “Gypsy’s Arm” for dessert. Very good. I used the strawberry jam instead of the guava.
Rachel, who wants to be a dental assistant, helped Hans get the last loose tooth to loosen up even more but didn’t get it out. She kept encouraging him to move it around. There was talk of pulling it but Hans wasn’t the one doing the talking. He did say that his Papa could pull it today. We’ll see.
Lots of talk. Thanks for listening Dawn!
Stayed up late, even the kids. TG went to bed at a reasonable time because she hadn’t napped but the other two stayed up very late. All the kids woke up at their normal time, why is that? So I am up trying to keep things quiet while Brett gets a little more sleep. Naps sound real good right now.
Icing on the cake? Phone call from Boo Boo. Good to hear your voice. Four more weeks!
Henry: Bathroom at one end of the house by three bedrooms. So named because I got tired of calling it “The Boy’s” bathroom because, someday, all three kids will room at that end.
Black Ear: Master Bathroom. That’s what it sounds like when KJ says it- I think she means “back here”.
Now you know, if you ever visit.
Brett received a phone call last night from an acquaintance asking him to play and sing at a funeral today at 10 AM! Talk about short notice, although funerals don’t normally give advance notice. He thought about it and decided to do it. It was at the little church about 3 miles from here. We can see it from the house so the commute wasn’t far. The problem was that he had planned on going in to town early to get his blood drawn for a cholesterol check before his doctor’s appointment next week. He needed to fast for it. He went in early, ate, ran a few errands and then came back home before heading to the church.
He said the lady sounded like she was a lot of fun and that things went well. He saw a few people we knew and met the new pastor at Pilot Rock.
Since it’s a burn day, he is doing that and then, after lunch, will head back into work.
We have company coming tonight for dinner, hope they don’t forget! I’m fixing Arroz con Pollo, guacamole, my not so famous salsa and beans.