Things are definitely in need of repair here at Char’s Blog. I just received my email notification for last night’s posting, and discovered that the web link is broken! I’m sure some of you have noticed that, too.
I’ll try to fix it this weekend. Meanwhile, you should be able to browse to and find the postings you want to read. Have a great Labor Day weekend!
Sunshine was playing in her room and found a coin purse full of coins. She came to me and handed me a dime and a nickel. They were a gift for me.
“How sweet! But are you sure you want to give it away?”
“Yes, it’s for you.” she nodded seriously “I checked, it’s not the special coin Papa brought from his trip.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to keep it and spend it?”
“No.” she shook her head. “I want you to have it.”
I’ve been hearing the coins clink in my pocket all day and it makes me smile.
I haven’t been able to upload photos to the blog when using my default browser (Firefox) for some time now. It “broke” when Firefox was upgraded. I have been using the Evil Windows Internet Explorer in order to put in photos and post. Now, for some unexplained reason, that will not work either. Apparently, I will have to get my Tech Support to upgrade WordPress on the server.
How will I manage without photos? I might have to use, gasp!, WORDS. I used to do it all the time- before I got lazy and learned that inserting photos was a great (i.e. easy) way to post. I didn’t have to worry about vocabulary and grammer. Much less the ellusive spelling thing. Sigh.
Anyway, we’ll work on things here. I’ll be back.
We were in a store yesterday, and one of the children begged to get a shovel.
It was not The Boy.
She has a little plastic one that she was so excited to get but it was very cheap and I knew it wouldn’t last long. She seemed disapointed that she wasn’t able to dig in the hard earth with it. Then the handle broke a little.
This is not the one that wants everything she sees. That one walks through the store saying “Oh! I want that!” “I want that.” “I like that, can I have it?” This, of course, is when the Mother looses patience and says “Don’t you DARE ask for one more thing!” I mean, really, how many different ways can a person say “no”. It apprently doesn’t sink in- there is always the hope that I mean “no” for that ONE item, not the one next to it.
So here was the child that doesn’t ask for much, looking all sweet, begging “Please?!” For a shovel. We bought it for her. She has been happily digging in the hard earth with it.
Then we approached the sporting goods area and she thought she’d also like a fishing pole. She didn’t get that.
Now, I bet you know which girl – can you guess?
(Note: I know I’ve been sadly neglecting my blog. I promised more beach photos- I’ll see about getting them up. There are other stories that need to be told too. )
Col. Panic had promised to take his little Pixie to the beach last year and somehow it didn’t happen. This year it was a priority.

We drove to my parent’s place, spent a night and then headed to the coast. We took The Long Way because that is just how we do things, much to the disgruntlement of the children. They see no sense in it but who said parents had to make sense?
We were all glad to arrive, check out the ocean and find ice cream.

After walking around awhile The Boy decided he would much rather go back to the hotel room, get into comfy clothes and relax. It didn’t hurt that there was T.V. there with a kazillion channels. But no, his parents were still in Torture the Children Mode and insisted on going out in paddle boats.

All safe in lifejackets.

The hotel key fell out of my pocket somewhere out there. The river then became known as “The Lost Key River”. And about every river we went over from that point on was called that- so hard to keep rivers hundreds of miles apart straight. The hotel was very understanding and didn’t charge us anything.
We made those poor children go out to eat and then FINALLY let them go back to the hotel room….and watch T.V.
We did spend time on the beach- stay tuned!

Going down the trail.

Peeking to see if we’re coming.

Having a good time.
Miss Sunshine has been quite frightened of thunderstorms.
Granted there have been a few unsettling things happen during last years thunderstorms- branches breaking off, eletricitiy going out, trees breaking in half. Stuff like that. But she does go a bit overboard in the frightened department and, in typical for her fashion, will not listen to any reason becuase she is too busy making noise herself.
A few weeks ago we had a thunderstorm roll through the hills around us. We had a meeting in town so the kids and I headed out to the park where the meeting was being held. We looked at the gray skyes and hurried through our meeting as the kids played. There were a few flashes of light in the distance that Sunshine commented on as we drove in.
“What was that?”
“That flashing?” sounding nervous.
Oh, probably nothing much.
We went to see some friends afterwards and a few flashes were seen and a few low rumbles were heard.
On the way home Sunshine’s high voice proclaimed from the back:
“There was a thunderstorm, and I wasn’t afraid!”
Oh that’s good news honey!
“…because I’m five now!”
Makes all the difference in the world.

We had the Little Chicks outside in the pen one day. Most stayed in their box but one was out exploring. He had someone keeping a pretty close eye on him.

The Dog made sure the ones in the box were doing fine too.

He was very attentive to his little, self appointed, charge.
The Dog still likes to go out and check on all the chickens. He’ll watch the Littles when they hide in their corner of the pen. Sometimes he’ll get pretty excited and chase them out- just to see them scatter. He’ll try to help round them up when they are out in the yard.
Want him to come baby sit for you?
You have to see this one to believe it.

Yes, Miss Pixie is wearing sandals (jellies) with socks, her nightgown, heavy jacket and mittens.
It’s June.
I will say that our mornings can be rather chilly sometimes but I do think this is a little extreme.
Then she gives me that Otter smile….