October 8, 2007

Pinky *Updated* (3 Comments)

Filed under: Fun — The Spider Herself @ 9:48 am

I like these weird personality things. Even though, half the time- ok three-quarters of the time- the answers choices just don’t cut it. Anyway, just for fun I took this one. The answer is interesting since My Dear Friend and I were just talking about if I am an extrovert or an introvert. I don’t know if this helps answer that or not, it’s certainly not scientific.

You Are a Pinky

You are fiercely independent, and possibly downright weird.
A great communicator, you can get along with almost anyone.
You are kind and sympathetic. You support all your friends – and love them for who they are.
You get along well with: The Ring FingerStay away from: The Thumb

What Finger Are You?


So you thumbs stay away from me!


**Update** I take it back! Two of my favorite people in the whole world turned out to be thumbs. Col. Panic did point out that the quiz was for women as it didn’t list “action flick” under the movie options and “garage/shop” for the favorite place to hang out at home so his results were skewed. I guess on that point we will not start the divorce proceedings. And My Friend? As I have told her many times- she’s stuck with me, no getting around it. So there!

October 6, 2007

Thanks Babe! (3 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 5:05 pm

On this day, many years ago, I walked down the aisle to wed the man that I loved and started on a new and interesting journey in my life. How young we were, how many adventures we were to have together. How many more await us?

I remember many anniversaries that we have had- like the year we were on harvest and we both forgot that it was our anniversary until the very end of the day. The year I had just found out I was pregnant with our first child. The years of trying to squeeze in time together with kids yelling “Oh yick! They are hugging!”

In all those years, we have not gone off for a night someplace special alone together; even before kids when things were easier. We did spend a night alone last year, the first since kids, but it was more for The Col.’s birthday than for our anniversary.

But this year we rounded up a Brave Babysitter and left her in charge of our Brats Precious Children and drove off into the sunset…

in our Mini-van. We wouldn’t have believed on that day many eons ago when we wed that we would be driving off for a special evening in a (cough) Mini-van! At least the car seats were not in it so we could pretend that we were really cool people that need a van to carry our many, many friends around in. Think we fooled anyone?

We drove to the neat town about an hour away. The Col. tried to find a nice B&B to stay in but they were all full. So we stayed in The Budget Inn. Yep, sounds impressive doesn’t it? It really was a nice room and affordable! Which is important to a cheap frugal person like me. Plus it was close to downtown and we took several enjoyable strolls there.

Then we set off to find a place to eat. We were hungry and decided on “Mess-ican”, as some in our house say it, because you get chips right away, not because we like it- ya know. 😉 We decided on one across town and on the way there discovered there was one right by our hotel but we didn’t know it’s reputation so continued on. We got there to find out the restaurant had changed hands and was now the same as the one right by the hotel! And it was packed. We drove back to the one by the hotel and it was packed too! We drove to another one and it wasn’t so full. Whew! Food! And uninterrupted conversation!

I was awakened before 7 by my husband this morning. Sigh. I don’t know why someone who doesn’t sleep decided to marry a Sloth. It’s really annoying to the Sloth. I heard from The Brave Babysitter that the kids slept until 7! I could have gotten another 15 minutes if I’d been at home! Gosh!

We strolled down to the downtown area and ate breakfast at a very nice place, browsed a book store and talked without interruptions again. Wow.

We made it home this afternoon and relieved the Brave Babysitter. She wasn’t bound and gagged and acted like she had a great time. Wonders never cease.

It was a wonderful time together. It’s what we deserve after 17

L O N G,



Thanks Babe! I’d do it again.

October 5, 2007

Field Trip (0 Comments)

Filed under: Life,Photos — web pig @ 12:49 pm

This last Tuesday, our local home school association went on a field trip to the nearby National Guard facility. We had a great time, and met some wonderful men in uniform who gave us the grand tour. We took lots of pictures, some of which you will find filed under the galleries page here.

October 3, 2007

The Tawny Traitor (3 Comments)

Filed under: Personalities,Photos — web pig @ 7:27 pm

The blonde quadruped that lives around here has been displaying his true colors, and they aren’t all golden.

Once upon a time, “Mom’s dog” used to announce visitors coming up the driveway, chase deer out of the area, go “mousing,” and perform other useful services. Admittedly, he’d dig up the yard, drag smelly wapiti remains home, and forage in the organic refuse pile, but basically he was all right to have around.

That was then.

Oh, to be sure, he still excavates the yard, and deposits decaying carcasses and other disgusting things near the back door.

But the slothful canine gave up chasing deer: can’t catch ’em; they’re too fast; might as well give up. So the villains wander around like they own the place, eating roses, raspberry vines, small trees and whatever else, leaving destruction in their wake. He often doesn’t even bother to lift his head.

Whilst pheasants recklessly ravage the garden, the lion sleeps.

Announcing visitors? Well, yes, he still does that sometimes.

When he feels like it.

But both the mail lady and the “children’s father” clad in brown shorts are now able to drive all the way up to the house and escape our notice until they honk. It seems that bribery with delicious doggie treats will prevail over any sense of duty and honor. The tawny traitor excitedly (but quietly) trots out to greet the delivery vehicles, visions of yummy delights dancing in his head.

But the real slap in the face?

The fleabag barks at me when I’m driving home from work!

Man’s best friend? Ha!


Well, maybe. They just didn’t say which man’s best friend!

Treasure or Trash? (1 Comment)

Filed under: Life,Personalities — The Spider Herself @ 2:46 pm

It’s all a matter of perspective. Not the deep kind of perspective I’ve talked about before but the simple sight differences between Child and Parent.

Children are supposed to have innocent eyes who see the world with freshness and wonder. Parents on the other hand are known to be cynical, hardened beings who just don’t get it.

So it is in this household.

I empty a container and am about to throw it away when HP comes up- “Don’t throw that away!”

Why not? It’s trash replies his Mother proudly because she is a known pack rat and is just learning the joys of actually throwing and giving things away.

“I could use it for something! Put something in it!”

I don’t think so! Knowing that ‘something’ means ‘water’. Besides, have you seen his room lately? But that is another story.

We went shopping awhile back for shoes. We were in a largish store that sells a number of things. The Kids discovered the things in the shoes to help them hold their shape. They are long black plastic things with a hook on one end. They loved them! We somehow came home with more than were in the shoes we bought. They also found….somewhere (the floor?) a blue plastic thing that kind of looks like a bulb but isn’t. It has been a valued item with several fights disagreements over it’s ownership.

On this same trip I spied KJ, between the drinking fountains and the Ladies Room, reach down and pick up something off the floor. I, being the sane, calm Mother, am yelling at her to PUT IT DOWN! It’s trash for goodness sakes! Move away s l o w l y! But, you see, she couldn’t be sure of that until she looked at it closer. She reluctantly put it down again.

On our walk today HP found a beer bottle cap in the dirt. What a find! He was very pleased.

What in the world are you going to do with that?

He smiles and shrugs. But he NEEDS to have it! Sigh. I inform him that if I find it on the floor, on the table, etc. I am throwing it away!

Broken toys, broken necklaces, parts of toys that are meant to be used in a different manner, rocks, pieces of pens, hair clips are just some of the things I find in the most interesting of places, being used in the most interesting of ways and, most often, scattered from here to kingdom come. But try and throw them away (the ones that need to be thrown away) and oh the agony and gnashing of teeth!

I have a hard enough time keeping this place picked up and clean without the added burden of extra trash being brought into the house. But see, that is where my perspective is off- in my children’s eyes it’s all very valuable treasure.

October 2, 2007

Hoffice (3 Comments)

Filed under: Dictionary,KJ,Personalities — The Spider Herself @ 3:51 pm

Ho’ffice: Place where Papa works.

September 28, 2007

Cheerful Brute (0 Comments)

Filed under: Personalities,Photos,TG — web pig @ 9:26 pm

Cheerful Brute

It’s hard to believe that our sweet, cheery little baby is capable of brutally pummeling her older siblings!

(click thumbnail to view larger photo)

Wiggly Readers (0 Comments)

Filed under: HP,KJ,Personalities,Photos,TG — web pig @ 9:08 pm

Story Time

HP reading to his sisters. What precious gifts from God they all are!

(click thumbnail to view larger photo.)

September 25, 2007

Bloggy Stuff (4 Comments)

Filed under: Blog Stuff — The Spider Herself @ 4:04 pm

In case you have wondered- and even if you didn’t- the photo in the banner at the top of the page is indeed of our little homestead. We live in the rectangular box, the neat building with the steep pitched roof is the Shop. It’s a sad day when The Shop is fancier than The Home. It’s not finished inside so that is one advantage that the house has going for it.

There is now a place for you to subscribe! This means that an email would be sent to you when an entry is added to the blog. You can choose to get the whole entry or just an excerpt in the email notification. If you are subscribed, you will not have to remember to check back to see if anything new has been added. Or you will not get tired and disappointed after checking back daily for days on end with no new post. You can also choose to get a notification for all posts or just for ones in certain categories. So if you are only interesting in one of the kids then you could just subscribe to that kid’s category. It’s easy, free and Col. Panic took the time and effort to get it installed so don’t disappoint him. Click on the “Why Register” at the top.
Speaking of the good (ahem) Col. Panic- if you have ever wondered how he got that name check out the Site Hacker page.

Just as a curiosity, do you all like the font? Too small, too big, too plain, or too difficult to read? Maybe ‘just right’? Let us know!

Thanks for reading our little blog. I enjoy hearing from you whether here or via email. Keep checking back, now, ya hear?

September 22, 2007

Cleaning the Tub (0 Comments)

Filed under: Life,Personalities,TG — The Spider Herself @ 12:52 pm

I decided it was high time to clean the shower in the Master Bath. I know it’s autumn but I don’t think the tub should be decorated in orange and brown even at this time of the year.

I bought a new shower liner, took the old one down, washed the pretty outer part and sprayed down the tub.

As I started to work TG decided to join me.

“Are you cleaning Papa’s shower?”


She kneels down next to me.

“This is Papa’s shower but he lets you use it.”

Yep, Papa is nice that way. He also “lets” me clean it.

“There’s your stinky butt.”

It’s just my back and butts aren’t stinky.

“Are you cleaning the tub?”


“There’s your stinky butt, again.”

Honey, we don’t say butts are stinky and in this house we use the term “bum.”

She breathes the fumes in deeply and I cringe thinking that when she gets lung cancer, I will remember this moment with horror.

Why don’t you go outside?


Why don’t you get dressed?

After much fussing about she takes off her nighty and gets her pants on.

“Will you snap my pants?”

My head is stuck in the tub still and my gloved hands are all wet and dirty.

Ah, no.

“Snap my pants!”

You’ll have to wait until my hands aren’t dirty and wet.

“Look at me!”

She’s standing with her head on the floor and her bum up in the air.

I have to look to get her to stop saying it over and over.

Why don’t you put your shirt on?

“No, my pants aren’t snapped.”

Yes, why don’t you get your shirt on and brush your teeth while you wait for me?

“But my pants aren’t snapped.”


Finally, the job is done, I get her pants snapped and her shirt on. After her version of “looking” for her shoes is over (playing with other stuff while saying she can’t find her shoes) she finally goes outside leaving me to wonder how I ever got stuff done without all this help.