I was sitting on Pixie’s bed, talking to the girls before they went to bed when Pixie said:
“I want to sleep with Papa!”
You do? And where would I sleep?
She giggled, Otters often giggle, and said “You could sleep there too!”
How kind.
“I’d sleep in the middle, between you and Papa.”
Ah, that clears that up.
TG pops into the conversation “I want to sleep with Papa too!”
I must be chopped liver.
Where would you sleep?
“On the……(uses her hands to make a circle motion as she struggles to find the right words)…..falling off side!”

“Don’t worry Mom! I’m a professional!”

Landing! No broken legs. He’s a professional, ya know.
Sunday was a day of new beginnings. It was The Boy’s 8th birthday. I had fond memories of birthing him- yes, they were “fond”- after eight years, I can say that. And we were having our first church service in our new building!
The Boy wasn’t feeling well. Somehow he picked up the cough/cold bug and didn’t even want to eat his waffles that morning! Wow. He was disappointed as he had been looking forward to running around the new building with his walkie-talkies trying to get lost- or not. He was perking up by the time it was to leave but he wasn’t ready and I wasn’t sure about spreading germs so he and The Col. stayed home and had some quality “boy” time.
The Girls and I went off to the big event. I stayed in the nursery (someone had to do it) but the service sounded like it went well. Then a well attended pot luck and friends to chat with.
I had my trusty camera with me. A couple of people said “I forgot my camera but I knew you’d have yours so I didn’t go back for it.” Hmmm. Am I getting predictable? I was tired and the basement was dark so I wimped out. Yes, people, I wimped out and set it on complete automatic. I made my Digital SLR a point and shoot. Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. And they turned out well, overall. I only managed to take 150. Thank goodness for digital! Since I am awful about doing anything with them once I take them I will copy them to a CD and give them to a gentleman at church who does wonderful slide shows. It’ll be fun to see what he puts together. I think I tended to take pictures of people I know, so there were reoccurring faces but I hope I took enough shots of others too.
So, I’ll leave with impressions that will hopfully help answer the question of “why a new to us building?” Here is the old building- taken during practice for our Easter production- not the best artistically but gives a good feel of the sanctuary. Remember, you can click on the thumbnails to make them larger.


Totally different feel, isn’t it?
Once in awhile I get a phone call with a real, live person on the other end. Yep. Really, I do. This time it was my high school biology teacher who just happens to live here now too. She inquired if I wanted some hand me downs from her son. My hand shot up! Ooo! Pick me! Pick me! And to make it extra nice, she dropped them by. There was quite a bit there- apparently there had been a purging, or two, or three before she remembered where she had off loaded gifted the last batch. How could she forget a scrounge like me?
Some of the clothes are wearable right now, some will be ready to go this winter and some will be left in the “Futures” box for quite a while. They range in size from 10s to 18s. There are some nice jeans (without holes! Gasp! Apparently, there comes an age where the knees don’t get as much abuse), dress pants, dress shorts, shirts, sweatshirts and jackets. It is such a Blessing to know we have those things waiting for us in the shop loft.
I mentioned this bounty to my friend the other day. She said that if anyone had offered her size 16 clothes for her boys (who are around the same age as The Boy) she would have refused. She said it would take too long before they could wear them- her boys run on the small side. But as she looked at my 4′ 8″ almost 8 year old she decided I had made a good move.
Yep, some weeds just grow faster than others.
Have you ever had one of those phone calls where you pick up the phone, you hear a voice and all sorts of questions start running through your head? Like:
Who is this?
Oh, it’s a recording.
And they just keep talking and after a bit your brain catches up and then becomes disgruntled.
I had such a call the other day. Before I really realized what was going on the man had gone on quite a bit. I caught that he was a person, apparently of importance, in the Political Party with which I am registered- which is not the same thing as being the Political Party I am Totally Thrilled With but will hereafter be known as “my” Political Party for convenience sake. I didn’t recognize his name but that is neither here nor there. He informed me that he was throwing his support behind a Candidate for President from The Other Political Party. He suggested that if I also was going to do that then please press one. I idly wondered if I would be given any other choices as he prattled on about why this Candidate was the best choice for all of us and if I planed to support the Candidate then please press one. I was getting the picture and eagerly waited for other choices.
None were given. But he helpfully informed me that I had only a few more days to change my party affiliation if I wanted to vote for The Most Wonderful Candidate in our primary elections. Gee, thanks!
Then, just in case I missed it, I was again reminded that if I was going to support this Candidate then please press one. I wondered what would happen if I did press one- probably hit me up for money.
I just wish I had other options. Like one of these:
If you would never in a million years vote for this Candidate then press 7.
If you will only vote for this Candidate when a certain place freezes, press 9.
Now those were numbers I would have been pressing.
Thin straps on a dress.
Known to the rest of us as “spaghetti” straps. But, you know, all those Italian foods sound the same.
We went to clothes shopping the other day. Mainly because I wanted to figure out what sizes Pixie and The Boy were in. We went to one of our two options in town- whoopie! Aren’t we the shopping metropolis? Makes you want to run right over here and shop with us, doesn’t it?
The Boy has worn holes in all his jeans knees so some jeans were in order for him. I made him try some on- and he actually cooperated and did it! I was so pleased, and relieved. He found a pair that worked. At home, his Papa asked how many pairs we bought. I said “one”. He looked at me a bit funny until I explained that it was almost summer (I use the term “almost” because I am wondering if warm weather will ever come to stay) when he wears shorts all the time and if I bought more than one then he will have out grown them before the fall and probably hardly worn them. So we will revisit jeans this fall.
Pixie doesn’t have much to wear. We don’t have any “hand me downs” for her. I had bought a few items off the sales rack over the winter but not enough. And not any dresses or skirts. Staples in that girl’s wardrobe. I had looked on-line to see what I could find but was having a very hard time deciding what size. She is tall for her age and thin. Very thin. I grabbed a dress that had “pizza straps” and went to the dressing room with her to see what it looked like. I was horrified when she got it on. The arm holes reached down to her waist, the little triangles covered strategic parts of her chest but left a LOT exposed. This just would not do! As she looked in the mirror she declared that she liked it! Of course, she would- it was pink. I was thinking there is no way! when I noticed that the “pizza straps” were adjustable. Whew! It’s also nice because maybe she can wear it for a longer period of time too.
We looked at skirts. Sigh. The ones that fit her around the waist are size 4/5 and are way too short. The 6’s are too big around the waist and practically fall off of her. Either way, she’s flashing people. Although, there are scooters out there that have a short built in under the skirt. But still, having all that leg sticking out from the bottom…. I asked a friend if she would be willing to sew lace or something on the bottom of the 4/5s and she said yes. She said she could also take in an inch on the sides of the 6’s pretty easy too. I wonder how hard that would be with the shorts in there too? I had thought that maybe TG would wear them after Pixie but if they are taken in, I don’t know if she will be able to do that. But, at the moment, TG is rebelling against wearing dresses- there is a ton of dresses hanging in her closet and she refuses to wear them. But she is very happy to wear the tan pants.
When we visited The Grandparents we took many a walk in the drippy woods Rain Forest. We saw many interesting things- like deer tracks, moss, flowers, trees (of course), and birds. One of the birds that Grandpa pointed out was a Pileated Woodpecker.

(Click to enlarge)
Don’t the kids just look enthralled?
Anyway, the Pileated Woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in North America and is about the size of a crow. It has red on it’s head, which I know because I looked it up- it was too far away to get a good look at it. I didn’t even try to get a photo of it because it would have been a dark blob on the side of a tree and you would have looked about like this:

You would have given me the “sure we see it” and the “I’m bored, can we go?” looks.
The Nature Walks were enjoyable to me, at least.
On the subject of Photography in The Rain Forest- you will notice that in the first photo that Grandpa is really the only one in crisp focus. In the second one I think KJ is the clearest. I am just not sure how I could have done it different. I should have tried full automatic just to see what the camera would have tried. Any thoughts?
What is it with this weather? This winter we had more snow fall then we’ve had in years- not neccessarily colder temperatures though. The snow was a good thing- we needed the moisture. But after that it’s just been pretty cool. The wind often blows at our place and it’s been a cold, cold wind lately.
March 30th- snow fall of about 3/4 of an inch.
Then mainly highs in the 50’s but still dipping down below freezing at night (not an unusual occurrence ). It built up to the 60s and then it soared to a high of 82.8 on April 13th. Plants started to really perk up and then we start hitting lows of 24.4 degrees and highs back in the low 50’s.
Then today, the temps are in the low 50s and I glance out the window and think that the cotton from the cottonwoods is starting to fly already when I realize that it wasn’t cotton but a white, snow like substance falling from the sky. It’s not fluffy, star shaped like snow but it’s not hard enough for hail. I am sure there is a scientific term for it but I am not sufficiently edukatd to know it.
The plants and my body are very confused.