March 15, 2009

Teeth Issues (3 Comments)

Filed under: HP,Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 7:46 pm

Ages ago, when The Boy began to lose his teeth fast and furious, just like they came in, there was a problem. The old ones would not fall out before then new ones came in. The new ones would come in behind the old tooth. Here is an example:

Boy loose tooth

Then he stopped loosing teeth. And we waited for Pixie to start the process.

And we waited.

That picture was taken in March 2007, before The Boy was 7, and was some of the last teeth to come out. Pixie was over 6 and no teeth were wiggling.

She went in to have her teeth cleaned and the hygienist noticed tooth ridges coming up behind a tooth. We encouraged her to wiggle the tooth in front but often it was forgotten. The tooth behind was coming in fast.

Pixie Teeth

Her Father was getting ready to work on it some one evening not too long after this photo was taken when she came running out to tell us that her tooth had come out! She was very excited and we were all glad.

It must be a genetic thing. From The Col. Panic’s side of the family. We’ll see how the rest fall out.

February 19, 2009

My Friend (0 Comments)

Filed under: Dictionary,Personalities,TG — The Spider Herself @ 4:13 pm

Miss Sunshine has name issues. When she likes someone she calls them “My Friend” even when she knows their name. She did that with the boy that they argued about, hardly ever using his name. Then a new “My Friend” came into the picture.

The local homeschool group has a sports time where the older kids learn to play a variety of sports and then we go over to a local gym and have recreation time. It’s just a big free for all open gym time where the kids can run around, play with balls and have a good time. The Moms sit around talking. After one of these days, MIss Sunshine came home talking about “My Friend”. A girl this time. After several times, I managed to get a name out of her but there are two girls with that name. At first I thought it was the younger one but with help from The Boy and Pixie, I figured out it was the older one- she’s probably 10. I don’t really notice them interacting that much but it she seems to have made an impression.

Miss Sunshine thinks “My Friend” is really neat. She gets excited that she might see her, makes her drawings and cards. It’s fun to see.

I suppose, one of these days, “My Friend” will change. I just hope it doesn’t take me weeks to figure out who she is talking about.

February 17, 2009

Us Girls (10 Comments)

Filed under: Dictionary,KJ,Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 4:48 pm


“Us girls don’t like that!”

“Us girls want to go there.”

A united front of girls.

United front

February 7, 2009

Farmer and Wife (2 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Life,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 9:29 am

Farmer and Wife

You will need to click to enlarge the thumbnail to see that the Farmer is wearing her brother’s boots. We found the hats at a thrift store and they’ve been wearing them ever since.

“Well, gee, Miss Pixie, think it might rain?”

Well Gee!

Miss Pixie

Pixie dressed up

Farmer Sunshine holding Baby Jonathan.

Farmer Sunshine

January 18, 2009

The Fickle Hearted (2 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Life,TG — The Spider Herself @ 6:21 pm

We ate at McDonald’s after church today because we had another thing going on in town later in the afternoon. We had enough time after we ate for the kids to play a little bit. It’s been awhile since they have been able to play there.

When we were driving off, Pixie announced that she had a new boyfriend.


“One of the boys that was at the play area.”

I see, what was his name?

“I don’t remember, he told me once but that was all.”

Uh huh. Well, you’ll have to tell the boy you are going to marry.

She looks at me funny, like she doesn’t really understand why she would have to do this.


We may have had a breakdown in communication there- I was thinking of the serious meaning of “boyfriend” and she may have been thinking that he was a boy and is now a friend. But this hadn’t clicked with me yet so I asked Aren’t you going to marry the boy you’ve been saying you were going to marry?

She sighs, “I don’t know who I am going to marry.”

Into this introspective moment Miss Sunshines pops in with:

“I don’t know WHAT I’m going to marry!”

January 15, 2009

Borned a Baby (2 Comments)

Filed under: Dictionary,Life,TG — The Spider Herself @ 5:24 pm

“Has R borned a baby?” asked Sunshine about a month ago.

Umm, no.

“When will she borned a baby?” she persisted.

Honey, as far as I know, there is no baby .

“But she got married!”

Yes, and that was a good first step but, you know, that it takes a long time to make a baby.

“Yes, I know!!!” Miss Know-It-All stated. She is the child that is always saying “I know!” loudly when a person tries to explain something that she obviously doesn’t understand. I’m also not to sure about her listening skills.

I thought the matter was laid to rest. I told R’s mother about it and we got a good chuckle out of it.

R came over for dinner the other day. Before they got here Miss Sunshine asked again-

“When will R borned her baby?”

I told you there is no baby!

“Yes, I know it takes a long time- but when?”


I rolled my eyes as we went round and round again.

Not believing her Mother, who obviously knows nothing about babies, she approached R after dinner.

“When are you borning a baby?”

Luckily, R has a sense of humor and again explained that there is no baby and probably will not be one for awhile. I hope this puts that idea to rest, I’m not holding my breath.

December 24, 2008

Little Angels (3 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 12:14 pm

Little Angels

October 16, 2008

Boy Trouble! (8 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Life,TG — The Spider Herself @ 8:51 pm

A new boy has moved into our circle of friends.

Miss Sunshine calls him “My Friend”. She hardly ever uses his name.

“I want to sit by My Friend!” she proclaims at Sunday School.

“I am making this for My Friend.” she declares.

She is going to marry him.

The problem is that her sister also wants to marry him.

At least we are keeping it in the family.

Pixie calls him by his name and they are picking out houses together.

The Girls get into arguments about who is going to marry whom.

“I’m going to marry him!”

“No! I am going to marry him!”


I tell them that we’ll decide this in about 20 plus years. The longer the better.

The Brother, at dinner today, just to stir the pot, asked The Sisters if they loved this boy.

“I gave my heart in his heart.” Sunshine poetically proclaimed.

My heart sinks. What is a mother to do? I have been warned that he had a girl he was going to marry when he lived back East but now he has thrown her over because she is too far away.

I don’t know. A fickle, boy from the East. What could be worse??? What is a mother to do?

Well, we aren’t picking out wedding dresses yet but I’m keeping my eye on that boy.

August 29, 2008

More 4 Year Old Cuteness (0 Comments)

Filed under: TG — The Spider Herself @ 3:38 pm

My baby is four. The last of the babies. She still says some pretty cute things- I know this too will pass. Here’s a few:

We saw a Chinook Helicopter flying around on the way to church Sunday. Sunshine saw it and got excited.

“We saw one of those at the, uh, uh, uh….”

“Airport?” her Papa offered helpfully.

“No! At the uh… uh….”

“Air show?” Asked in confusion because where else but the airport would the air show be held?

“Yeah! The air show! That’s where we saw the Chimook.”


The kids have started the annoying game of copying each other- repeating back what the first one says. This, of course, causes great annoyance in the copyee. (I know, it’s not a word.) It’ll go something like this (and I am highly condensing- be thankful):

“I like it!” says Sunshine

“I like it!” repeats Pixie.

“Stop it!” says Sunshine with increasing shrillness.

“Stop it!” parrots the Otter.

“I said stop coughing me!” shrieks the four year old.


She’s also a bat sleeper.

Bat sleeper

August 27, 2008

Ashes or something (2 Comments)

Filed under: TG — The Spider Herself @ 3:14 pm

We were out driving around when the CD with songs from Vacation Bible School came on. The kids, especially the girls, really like it. TG kept murmuring something about the “Ashes” song. She asks me to turn up the music and then starts hemming and hawing and saying “Mom!”. So I turn the music down to actually hear her and then she doesn’t really have anything to say. It can be frustrating. But I did hear something about the ashes song again. I didn’t know what she was talking about.

We reached one of our stops and I waited to get out so we could finish up a song. She kept talking through it that she wanted to hear the rest of the song.

Gosh! If you’d be quiet then you’d hear the rest of the song! See me twitch?

So we get our errand done and start off again. One song has a chorus that goes something like this: “My actions meet my passion for what My God has done!” Then I heard that word again- ashes. Oh!

“My ashes meet my Passion!”

That puts a whole new spin on those lyrics.