Teeth Issues (3 Comments)
Ages ago, when The Boy began to lose his teeth fast and furious, just like they came in, there was a problem. The old ones would not fall out before then new ones came in. The new ones would come in behind the old tooth. Here is an example:
Then he stopped loosing teeth. And we waited for Pixie to start the process.
And we waited.
That picture was taken in March 2007, before The Boy was 7, and was some of the last teeth to come out. Pixie was over 6 and no teeth were wiggling.
She went in to have her teeth cleaned and the hygienist noticed tooth ridges coming up behind a tooth. We encouraged her to wiggle the tooth in front but often it was forgotten. The tooth behind was coming in fast.
Her Father was getting ready to work on it some one evening not too long after this photo was taken when she came running out to tell us that her tooth had come out! She was very excited and we were all glad.
It must be a genetic thing. From The Col. Panic’s side of the family. We’ll see how the rest fall out.