April 10, 2011

How Rumors Get Started (3 Comments)

Filed under: HP,KJ,Life,Personalities,TG — The Spider Herself @ 5:41 pm

The eggs were cleaned, blow dried (What?  Doesn’t everyone blow dry their eggs?) and being placed in the carton as we hurried to finish up before leaving for church.  One pretty blue egg was left over so I delicately placed it into a carton for us to keep.  I somehow managed to fumble the poor, pretty egg and it broke on the floor.

“Oh!  It broke!”  Said Miss Sunshine.

Pixie runs into the kitchen to see what happened.  “Did you break it?  Why did you do that?”

“Yea, why did you do that?” Her ever helpful Father teased.  He had seen the whole thing.

“You did it on purpose?”  asked Miss Sunshine.

“Why did you break it on purpose?”  asked Pixie

Yes, I threw it on the floor in order to see our last, only remaining egg smashed. (The Hens really need to be getting busy out there!  They been slacking.) My heart’s desire was that The Dog  get it so I devised this deviant scheme and carried it out.

In the process of explaining that no, I had not broken it on purpose; The Boy enters the scene and proclaims, “You broke it on purpose?!”

Yes, there it is folks, the process of how rumors get started.  I am now a purposeful Blue Egg Smasher.  Beware.

December 15, 2009

The Christmas Tree (4 Comments)

Filed under: HP,KJ,Life,Personalities,Photos,TG,Uncategorized — The Spider Herself @ 4:36 pm

The Children helped me decorate the tree. We have a system down now where I unwrap the ornaments and they hang them on the tree. Then, in an exercise of fortitude, I leave them where they were placed by little, loving hands.

Here is the area where the silver balls ended up.

Silver Balls

Over here, not too far to the right, is where the silver bells pile onto one branch.  Don’t want them to be alone.  (The second bell is hard to see.)


Then all the gold ornaments apparently needed to be grouped together, away from the silver items (you know how they are.)

Gold Ornaments

Last, but not least, the red balls had there own place of honor on the tree.

Red Balls

Overall, the tree looks lovely.  It was decorated with love and excitement- so fun to see.

The Kids and Tree

Merry Christmas!

September 4, 2009

Gifts (0 Comments)

Filed under: Life,Personalities,TG — The Spider Herself @ 9:06 pm

Sunshine was playing in her room and found a coin purse full of coins.  She came to me and handed me a dime and a nickel.   They were a gift for me.

“How sweet! But are you sure you want to give it away?”

“Yes, it’s for you.”  she nodded seriously “I checked, it’s not the special coin Papa brought from his trip.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to keep it and spend it?”

“No.”  she shook her head.  “I want you to have it.”

I’ve been hearing the coins clink in my pocket all day and it makes me smile.

July 13, 2009

Walks in the Woods (1 Comment)

Filed under: KJ,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 12:56 pm

Sunshine on Trail

Going down the trail.


Peeking to see if we’re coming.

Girls on Trail

Having a good time.

July 11, 2009

What a Difference Being Five Makes (0 Comments)

Filed under: Life,Personalities,TG — The Spider Herself @ 2:49 pm

Miss Sunshine has been quite frightened of thunderstorms.

Granted there have been a few unsettling things happen during last years thunderstorms- branches breaking off, eletricitiy going out, trees breaking in half.  Stuff like that.  But she does go a bit overboard in the frightened department and, in typical for her fashion, will not listen to any reason becuase she is too busy making noise herself.

A few weeks ago we had a thunderstorm roll through the hills around us.  We had a meeting in town so the kids and I headed out to the park where the meeting was being held.  We looked at the gray skyes and hurried through our meeting as the kids played.  There were a few flashes of light in the distance that Sunshine commented on as we drove in.

“What was that?”


“That flashing?”  sounding nervous.

Oh, probably nothing much. 

We went to see some friends afterwards and a few flashes were seen and a few low rumbles were heard.

On the way home Sunshine’s high voice proclaimed from the back:

“There was a thunderstorm, and I wasn’t afraid!”

Oh that’s good news honey!

“…because I’m five now!”

Makes all the difference in the world.

June 22, 2009

Papa’s Helper (4 Comments)

Filed under: Chickens,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 3:39 pm

Helper Sunshine

(Click to enlarge and see her shoes.)

She has her googles on to be safe!

But maybe these two were better helpers.

Dog and Chick Helping

What do you think?

May 27, 2009

It Had to Happen…. (5 Comments)

Filed under: Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 1:19 pm

One of these days, I just knew, it was going to happen.

Sunshine scissors

One of the kids would experiment with cutting their hair, specifically their bangs. The Boy, being the oldest, was scissor challenged because I would hardly let him touch the things. I drilled into him “Scissors cut paper! Never hair!”

I thought I was still being diligent about keeping the scissors out of reach. There was the one little incident when Pixie cut a bit of her hair but it was in the long portion and easily hid. I renewed by efforts of scissor banishment and on we went.

But then, with the girls being more interested in crafts than their brother ever was, the scissors came down and were left out in the open. So very tempting. Calling her name, I’m sure.

So she took them, hid, threw away the evidence and hoped no one would notice.

Sunshine bangs

Umm, yeah. Not noticeable at all.

So I trimmed it all up; at least she left a bit, it wasn’t cut at scalp level.

*Note: I am behind in my postings (you didn’t notice that it was pretty quiet around here, did you?) This happened in April but I had to put it up. You can see in her birthday shot how things are growing out. I will continue to post some things that have happened and try to catch us up as well as insert some newer things.*

****Note to Editor: I bravely used a semi-colon. I hope I didn’t cause you a heart attack as it’s probably improper usage. *****

May 23, 2009

Five (3 Comments)

Filed under: Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 4:36 pm

For the third and last time we have a five year old.



April 2, 2009

Pink! (2 Comments)

Filed under: Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 2:38 pm

Hold on to your hats! It’s not who you think.

Pretty in Pink

Miss Sunshine decided to wear pink to church. Her sister decided on her standard fare anymore and wore blue jeans.

Miss Sunshine

And before you think it’s too funny…

Laughing sunshine

Miss Sunshine reverted back to type quickly.

Sunshine in blue

March 21, 2009

Extreme Hairstyles (3 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 12:02 pm

It’s a new show! Catch it right here! Here is a sneak preview of the new sport- Extreme Hairstyles!!!!

First you brush the hair.

Brushing Pixie\'s hair

Notice the Hairstylist already has her hair in an Extreme Style.

Then the clips are put in.

Putting in Clips

And even MORE clips! How far will she go? How many clips can one head hold?

More clips

The finished Extreme Style.

Front View

Side view, to get the full effect.

Side view

Then the Extreme Hairstylist can rejoice in her creation.


And that ends another sneak preview of the exciting new show Extreme Hairstyles! Tune in next time to see even more wild and crazy styles!