September 19, 2008

Arr! (2 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 9:45 am

(See note at bottom of post.)

Question: What activities are “outside” activities?

  1. Running, jumping, wrestling?
  2. Playing with balls?
  3. Riding bikes?
  4. Playing with dolls quietly?
  5. Playing with toy cars, quietly?
  6. Drawing?
  7. Standing on the porch?

Question: Which of those activities do my children consider “outside” activities?

If you guessed 4-7 you would be correct.

Question: Which of those activities listed do my children consider “inside” activities?

If you guessed 1-3 you would be right on the money. (Except the bikes aren’t allowed in the house)

They have it all backwards. I send them outside because they are running, yelling and wrestling in the house and they go outside to partake in a quiet activitiy.

Outside is not for running in. It’s for quietly playing with your dolls on the porch or sitting in the tree.

Yes, yes indeed. Maybe it’s not them that have it backwards- it might be me and my small brain that just doesn’t grasp the concept that the carpet is much nicer to wrestle on and run on than grass. It’s just that I lack edukaton that I can’t wrap my head around quiet and peaceful outside play in order to not disturb the ecosystem.

I guess I must get past my small perception of things and just throw caution to the wind and allow bikes in the house.

You can find The Col. and me living in the Shop, twitching.

Note: Today, and I didn’t know this until I posted this already, is Talk Like A Pirate Day. So in honor of that I changed the spelling of the title. Arrr Matey!

September 17, 2008

Tan Lines (5 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 3:48 pm

Alternative title: I Am So Classy.


I apparently wore the same pair of sandals out in the sun too much this summer.

Tan lines 1

It looks really classy when I try to act mature and dress up.

Tan lines 2

Note: For demonstration purposes only. I do know enough (barely) to wear matching shoes.

September 10, 2008

You Know…. (3 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 12:00 pm

You know that you are getting old when the Oldies Station starts playing songs you loved when you were in High School….or after.


Pixie said “I’ll be 14 when I grow up!”

Ah, I guess from the perspective of five- 14 sounds pretty old.

Well, I’m only 16- is that middle age?

September 9, 2008

August 40th, 2008 (2 Comments)

Filed under: Gripes,Life — The Spider Herself @ 3:57 pm

I am allergic to August. (The month, not anyone who happens to be named that as far as I know)

I thought I was doing well this year. Whatever seems to bother me in August wasn’t causing me too much trouble. I thought I was doing the right things this year to hold off the worst of the symptoms.

Yeah. I do tend to get delusional, don’t I?

August came late this year.

No, I am not crying about it- it’s just my eye watering.

Excuse me, I sneezed.

Sigh. Let me know when September gets here.

September 8, 2008

Odds and Ends (3 Comments)

Filed under: Life,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 3:43 pm

Hummingbird Whoosh! Where does the time go?

(Warning: This photo has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the subject matter of this post. To view larger, click- at your own risk- on image.)

  • My children get very excited when they get new underwear. They need to get out more, the children- not their underwear.
  • Boxers are, apparently, a sign of manhood.
  • We bought Pixie new jeans, even though I swore I was not going to buy her any new clothes. She was all ready for a flood so I caved. She tried them on, liked them, said she’d wear them, yada, yada, yada.
  • She is refusing to wear them.
  • Pixie comes alive while shopping and trying on clothes…. as long as they are for her.
  • I canned 27 pints of tomatoes. My first time canning tomatoes- all of them sealed.
  • I canned 14 quarts of peaches Sunday afternoon between church services.
  • The pears are ripening while they wait their turn in the canner.
  • We went to a parade on Saturday but we got there too late to get a spot on the curb which means the kids didn’t get hardly any candy. (The rules of the parade are that the candy cannot be thrown so only the people right on the curb get any.) The kids were disappointed. I tried to tell them it was fun to just watch the parade and not get candy. Yeah, I know, they didn’t believe me either.
  • Sunday we joined other churches in a service at the park. We were about the last to leave- even the clean up crew was gone. Hey, there were people to talk to- who are slower to leave than us.
  • We went back to town for evening church because there was a special singer there. Very nice.
  • This weekend just flew by!
  • I think we are all caught up now.


August 29, 2008

Adults Only (2 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Life,Personalities — web pig @ 4:55 pm

I know that many of you thought this was a nice, clean, wholesome site, but my next item may call our family friendliness into question.

After a recent grueling day at the office, I was mentally exhausted, nursing a headache, and “hearing” unpleasant things from some rather tight muscles in my shoulders. My family and I had just enjoyed a delightful meal prepared by a particularly lovely and capable chef, who just coincidently happens to be the official webmistress of this web site.

Before pushing back from the table, KJ generously offered to rub my aching back. I thought this sounded like a splendid idea, and proceeded to remove my shirt and stretch my tired carcass out on the floor, belly down, eager to feel the tension oozing away from my body.

Pixie climbed on, and began “rubbing” my back and neck.



If you use your imagination.

A bit.

Ok, the word “rubbing” might be a stretch. Poking might be more accurate. Actually, she doesn’t do half bad at massaging tired backs sometimes, but this wasn’t one of those times. She was distracted, preoccupied, or perhaps just feeling more like the otter she is.

I felt her arranging a silk ribbon around one of my ears, fluffing it all up “just so.” She paused for a moment, then said something that I really didn’t pay much attention to. I was trying not to fight my body’s desire to lose consciousness, despite the abundance of child noises surrounding me, the ribbon tickling my face, the “rubbing,” and everything else going on. I must say, sometimes I am quite successful in succumbing to a power nap even in the midst of a chaotic environment. So, I wasn’t processing whatever was being said; that might mean that I would have to actually utilize valuable mental resources to distinguish noise and random words from attempts to make genuine conversation.

But there it was again. She repeated herself, and I had no choice but to hear it this time, for the phrase contained my name. She was talking to her brother.

“Papa’s being X-rated!”

Huh? *click!* *whir!* I’m being… what? At this point I verbalized nothing, but my mind was trying to get a handle on what my ears had apparently heard.

I guess the boy wasn’t paying sufficient attention either, for I felt Pix cup her hands on my back, and say, “See? Papa’s being X-rated!”

I’m being what?

“X-rated. So we can see what’s wrong with your shoulder!”

Pause… Ahhh! You’re wanting to see the bones inside my body?

She nods and smiles.

I smile back. I had no idea how pornographic our family massage parlor really was.

August 5, 2008

Sandals and God’s Providence (1 Comment)

Filed under: Gripes,HP,Life — The Spider Herself @ 9:18 am

A strap on The Boy’s sandal broke awhile back but it still stayed on his foot.

Last Friday, right after we arrived at the park to play, the other part broke. It no longer stayed on his foot. He stayed on the play structure or the grass most of the time to protect his bare feet.

We headed straight to that “Evil Out House” place that is basically the only place to shop here. I knew that trying to find sandals at this time of year was a nearly impossible task. The shoe people and the stores seem to think we need to buy sandals in February and snow boots in August. I have found, from past experience, that if you don’t shop for sandals before the end of April, the selection will be pitiful. Then hope that the child’s foot doesn’t go on a growing spree or they don’t break. So there we were, in need, scurrying (The Boy was shuffling; trying to keep the sandal attached to his foot) to the shoe aisle with very low hopes. The sandals, the few that were still languishing there, were relegated to a small, far section of the shoe area. There were a few scattered sandals for toddlers on the shelf.

And one pair of size four.

On sale.

I think it was a God thing.

July 31, 2008

Oops. (0 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 5:17 pm

Here it is 5 o’clock and I haven’t written a new post yet. Geez! Where does the time fly?

I have been distracted by stuff today. The kids and I went on a “long, long walk”. They ride their bikes and I walk. We went up the some hay sheds about a mile away. We have seen hawks in the trees by there and owls live in the sheds. We didn’t get to see many today though. The Boy said he say a hawk fly by but I missed it. The owls must have been in bed. It seems to take forever, even when I keep them moving at a good pace but I suppose an hour for going about 2 miles is pretty good- by the time we get the bikes out and put away.

I have been putting sprinklers out on the trees for a good soaking. And they are getting that as I keep forgetting to go move the hose. Ah well, it can’t hurt, can it?

The Boy had found a recipe in a Boxcar Children book for making Buns. One “secret” ingredient is missing but it had all the right things to make it work right. He copied it down before returning the book several weeks ago and has been after me to make them. Today was the day. I could hardly contain my enthusiasm. Or maybe it was the other part of the baking crew? Anyway, it was a good experience for him. I tried really hard not to gripe and be patient. The recipe was an old style one- where it lists the ingredients but expects you to know what to do with them. Things like mixing the milk, butter, sugar and salt and then heating them, mixing the yeast with the flour, kneading it and letting it rise. I had to pull out my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook to help me out. I usually let my bread machine do all that stuff. But we pulled it off- it tested The Boy’s patience having to wait for it to rise- not once but twice! They turned out good, even without the secret ingredient.

I have been sending and answering emails about genealogy which is fun but time consuming.

I did some laundry too so now we have something to wear, which will be a vast relief to one of us who has nothing to wear.

My throat feels better. Every time I went into the bathroom yesterday I gargled with salt water. I also took some heavy doses of Vitamin C, etc. etc. So I hope it was just a passing thought.

July 30, 2008

We’re Baaaack! (3 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 4:26 pm

Just when you thought it was safe in blog land, I return.

We had a fun time. Walks and tractor rides in the woods, eating berries in the garden, eating lots of ice cream, dining outside, and visiting with friends and family.

Unfortunately, little Miss “I Don’t Get Carsick Anymore” did. On the busiest freeway that we traveled on. Luckily she is good with a bag but she wanted me to take it from her. Ummm. What was I supposed to do with it while I was driving in heavy traffic? She managed to seal it up and hung on to it until a more convent time. We then attended a salad bar reception at a museum. The kids were thrilled. Ha! They stared at the beautiful array of lovely (adult) things for the salad with dismal faces. The Boy had grilled chicken and a roll, Pixie had that but also tried a few of the other items like a small tomato and a pickle. Sunshine, who likes salad, actually had some with chicken AND shrimp. They enjoyed the brownies though. They were really good during the whole, very adult thing and were glad to get outside at the end to do some running around. They had peanut butter on crackers when we got to the Grandparent’s. Pixie ate two boiled eggs, two pieces of toast and bacon for breakfast. Took me awhile to figure out why she was so hungry. Poor skinny dear lost her lunch and didn’t have much dinner.

I was able to go to the State Archives and get some paper work from 1894 I had been wanting to get. It stressed me a little- I don’t like traffic or new situations but I managed. It’s times like those I sure miss The Col.

Speaking of Col. Panic, he and The Dog managed just fine. They stayed here and watered, played guitar (which is a feat for a dog) and ate leftovers. Sounds like a dog’s life to me.

So I’ll be getting up some stories and photos in the next couple of days. My throat is a tad sore and I don’t have much energy. Part of that is just getting home and collapsing- dreading unpacking and doing laundry. The other part- well, I hope I’m not getting sick.

How you all doing? I missed you.

July 24, 2008

Oh Deer! A Dog Dilemma (2 Comments)

Filed under: Life,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 12:47 pm

I happened to look out the window to see a doe starting across the field. The Dog was out but I wasn’t hearing any noise from him. Just the deer walking calmly across the grass.

I grabbed my camera and slipped out the front and around the house. I wasn’t able to get very close- she was on to me!

I blew this photo up so you could actually tell that it was a deer. The quality isn’t that great.


She’s watching me. Then she did something that I haven’t seen or heard a deer do before- she started snorting. Well, I guess that’s what you’d call it. She blew loud breaths. Then she started stomping the ground with her front feet. I was glad I wasn’t any closer.

And what was The Dog doing while I was being snorted at?

The Dog

Why, he is watching me. When he saw me look at him (and take his photo) he leaped off the porch and came over to me all happy.

Deer? What deer?

I know he saw it but he is just too lazy to chase them. If I had chased it then he would have ran with me, leaping all over, looking over his shoulder at me- “we having fun Mom!?!?” Then when I stopped, he would too, ignoring the deer that are leaping away.

We now let The Boy do the scaring of the deer away- he’s much better at it than The Dog.

*Note- I am still gone. Just got a post ready before I left so you wouldn’t miss me too much.