July 19, 2007

Our Chipmunk (3 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Personalities — The Spider Herself @ 7:26 pm

Our Chipmunk is a cute little thing. She comes and eats with us but not as often as she used to, once upon a time. This isn’t your normal Chipmunk who carries nuts and seeds around in her cheek to hide away somewhere for winter eating. No, this Chipmunk stuffs meat or carrots into her cheek and it’s not for winter chow time.

I try to help things out by cutting the meat really small but instead of chewing and swallowing one bite at a time; she stuffs all the small pieces into her cheek at once. Then chews. And chews. Chews some more. No swallowing though. This can go on for ages.

“Please finish your dinner.”




“Stop chewing and SWALLOW it!”


The cheek is sticking out about an inch. She’ll just sit there with the enormous wad in her mouth, chewing once in awhile.

“Try drinking some water and swishing it around in your mouth to wash it down.”

Chewchew- well, you get the point.

There have been times ***Gross out warning! Read at your own risk*** when we have given up on her and had her spit it out and she eats it for breakfast. Sounds harsh (and disgusting) but it doesn’t seem to bother her.

Like I said earlier, she doesn’t do it so much anymore- thank goodness! I don’t know what causes it- what would turn our lovely KJ into a chipmunk?


  1. […] peppy!  How could this child be mine?   And an Otter too?  (here you thought she was a chipmunk).  Otters are fun loving- as in not serious people.  They laugh at many things.   Apparently, […]

    Pingback by Char’s Blog » Otters in the bathroom — August 21, 2007 @ 3:17 pm

  2. […] croûtons, olives and sunflower seeds leaving the yucky stuff to choke down on it’s own. Chew a lot but don’t swallow. Take 40 years to […]

    Pingback by Char’s Blog » How To Do Things- — October 29, 2007 @ 11:52 am

  3. Oh my goodness! I haven’t laugh that hard since I don’t know when. It brought tears and it almost hurt! :~) I could just see it… her chewing away…and you fuming from the ears…

    Comment by Liesel — December 1, 2007 @ 10:03 pm

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