Who or Where? (1 Comment)
TG came upstairs at my parents’ with her socks and shoes for me to put on so she could go into the woods. Being the wise and insightful parent (don’t laugh) I asked:
“Who are you going with into the woods ?”
“The woods!” She answers.
O.K. Try this again-
“Yes, the woods. WHO is going with you?”
“THE WOODS!” She forcefully says.
One more time.
“I understand you want to go into the woods- who all is going?”
“THE WOODS!!!” she yells.
She is thinking: My mother doesn’t listen! I have told her THREE times what I’m doing!
I’m thinking: Pronoun trouble.
Perchance mildly reminiscent of “Wer bist du?”
Comment by kn. — July 13, 2007 @ 8:55 pm