Stats (1 Comment)
We took our little Sunshine in for her 3 year checkup last week. She wowed the Doctor with her smiles and laughs. She was cooperative through the whole thing- even when the Doctor pulled some built up ear wax out. Our Doctor is moving out of the area and she will be sorely missed. We’ve been with her through all those infant check-ups, three times over. She sat through my list of questions with number one- once she was so anxious to see my list she grabbed it from my hand. (Tip for all Doctor appointments- make a list! I get amnesia when I enter that small room.) Some how the list kept getting shorter with each kid. She is verbal and we shared the same type of humor. Now, with fewer and fewer appointments ahead of us (Lord willing), we will not get to know the next one as well.
Anyway, how the children grow! For those of you who don’t have kids or for those that it’s a foggy memory- to monitor the growth of children they are put on a chart that determines what “percentile” they are in. If a child is in the 50th percentile then they are average- 50% of kids are shorter and 50% are taller.
Here’s the stats-
TG- 36 pounds (close to the 90th percentile) 40 inches (90th percentile)
KJ- 37 1/2 pounds (just under the 50th percentile) 43 3/4 inches (75th percentile)
HP- 62 1/4 pounds (just under the 90th) 53″ (4′ 5″- Over the 97th percentile)
KJ looks like she is still the “Pixie” of the family. As a perspective at three she was 30 pounds and 38 1/4 inches.
[…] Dirt King trike and we probably would have let her stay with it for awhile longer except that her “little” sister was able to ride it too. I would let one ride it half way and then the other would get to ride it. […]
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