June 7, 2007

Packing (3 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 5:08 pm

Packing used to be quite a bit easier- that was before I had choices or at least not very many choices.  Now I am checking the weather, laying out outfits, changing my mind.

This out fit would work- pants, two different tops… which shoes?  Oh, shoot!  Start over.

Then there is the purse.


I am so not good at this.  I have been asking HP and The Big Guy which shoes to wear for church, etc.  Once HP told me that he didn’t like the shoes but I thought that I’d just wear them anyway.  But then I asked TBG and he looked at my feet, then at HP and I knew  he didn’t think they looked good either.  Sigh.  So I wore flip flops.  I hate cold feet.

It’s those fashion discomforts we have to go through to look like we have some idea how to dress ourselves.

I had better go finish or I will not be wearing anything.  HP is done packing, TBG will take two minutes.  Life is not fair.

But I look better in a dress.


  1. LOL! Isn’t it great though to HAVE choices?

    Comment by lostgirl — June 8, 2007 @ 7:54 am

  2. Arat and I want to know: the destination is/was … ?

    Comment by kn. — June 12, 2007 @ 7:36 am

  3. […]   I had planned most of it and was not handling the stress well, as you can see from my Packing post before we left.  What to wear?  Did I remember everything for the party?  Then we got there […]

    Pingback by Char’s Blog » Whew! — June 20, 2007 @ 9:15 pm

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