Someone to Watch over Me (1 Comment)
We had the Little Chicks outside in the pen one day. Most stayed in their box but one was out exploring. He had someone keeping a pretty close eye on him.
The Dog made sure the ones in the box were doing fine too.
He was very attentive to his little, self appointed, charge.
The Dog still likes to go out and check on all the chickens. He’ll watch the Littles when they hide in their corner of the pen. Sometimes he’ll get pretty excited and chase them out- just to see them scatter. He’ll try to help round them up when they are out in the yard.
Want him to come baby sit for you?
The eye in the sky … the wet nose in the night … ah, such a nice pooch. Patient feller, too.
Comment by kn. — July 3, 2009 @ 2:27 pm