May 19, 2007

Still Pioneering It (3 Comments)

Filed under: In the Kitchen — The Spider Herself @ 8:05 am

I had a hankering for popcorn.

In this modern age, how does one pop corn without a microwave?

I could pop it on the stove- I did have some regular popcorn in the pantry- old though it may be, but I decided to go a different route to avoid the oil.  I dug around in the cupboard and hauled out the antiquated air popper.  Yes, I am attached to old things.  It still works and I had lovely popcorn.   Oh, the inconvenience, she said with straight face.

We had leftovers last night.  Thursday is the usual leftover  night but we were on a fruitless hunt on that night.  Just to show that I am not my mother, oops, not a total slave to routine; I had leftovers on the WRONG night.  The problem was no microwave to heat the stuff up in.  Do I sound like a broken record?  Do you know what a record is?  Normally we put what we want on our plate and then heat it up.   But this time I heated it all up on the stove.  Makes for lots of dirty dishes.

It’s not all bad; we have electricity and toilet paper, unlike No Impact Man.


  1. Gosh pioneer woman……! Next you’ll be driving an oxen team and covered wagon! LOL!
    I got stuck this morning reading NoImpactMan’s blog. Interesting to say the least! Kudo’s to him for putting his money where his mouth is and it will be interesting to see his progress, especially come summer. I however, do love my creature comforts, so I doubt I will be taking anything like this on in the near future…..or even distant future.

    Comment by lostgirl — May 20, 2007 @ 8:13 pm

  2. There’s a peripherally related item at that may be of interest. I heard it Sunday, and it completely reminded me of living without a microwave, although it’s a different angle, really.

    The story headline is “Will Work For Food” and the book title is “Plenty: One Man, One Woman, and a Raucous Year of Eating Locally.”

    Comment by kn. — May 21, 2007 @ 10:06 am

  3. […] mentioned No Impact Man  earlier in a post where I jokingly said that we may be “pioneering” it without a microwave but at least we still had toilet paper and electricity.   No Impact Man is  a writer who is undertaking a year long project where he tries to leave the […]

    Pingback by Char’s Blog » No Impact Man — May 22, 2007 @ 4:00 pm

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