Excuse me? (1 Comment)
“I want more!” is the usual way my kids ask for things. If I ask if they want something, I might get a nod or a grumbled answer of some sort. Sometimes I interpret the answer wrong and then, oh the hysteria. We’ve tried to teach them to use please and thank you but after a brief time before they are three these words fly from their brains and only return with parental prompting. It’s just Mom, ya know, and you don’t need to be polite. This morning something strange happened when I asked KJ if she wanted her Fish cup, she replied:
“It would be a pleasure to have my Fish cup.”
Aliens have taken over my child.
[…] aliens have left. They were only here for a short […]
Pingback by Char’s Blog » Aliens — May 14, 2007 @ 6:43 pm