The Cake (0 Comments)
We had friends over on Saturday to help celebrate The Boy. He had wanted mint chocolate chip ice cream cake so being Julia Child in disguise I whipped one right up. Snort. Internet recipes- what a blessing!
I took the cake out a few minutes before we needed it so that is would soften up and be ready to cut. But then this happened-
I don’t know if the freezer door hadn’t been closed all the way the last time I was in it or if I lost track of time time and had it out too long. I also think the ice cream was a brand that was particularly soft. But whatever the reason, it was melting and melting fast. So I snapped a few photos and we cut it up. It wasn’t until we had some on Monday, the true birthday, that we put candles on it. It looked a bit worse for wear.
But The Boy didn’t seem to mind.
It sure tasted good though.