The Boy’s Dam (3 Comments)
Note: This is a guest post by The Boy.
I built my dam off of the creek hoping to reduce the risk of flooding by taking water off the creek. I was trying to make a ditch to take the water from the creek since I had to get water into the dam I had to shovel water from the creek with the shovel. Which is no fun especially when you have dirt separating the mini reservoir from the creek.
I wasn’t very successful because the creek dried up right after I built it.
The board helped a little to keep the dirt from washing away.
I thought this looked like it was under water.
Self portrait of the author.
I’m impressed at the large tools skillfully wielded by this future member of the Army Corps of Engineers. (I recommend a career in reservoirs, not levies — the politics are somewhat gentler.)
I’m also impressed that there’s a creek there. Occasional creek? Just a runoff route? Something else?
Comment by kn. — February 24, 2009 @ 7:11 am
Ah, memories of dam building … The Boy’s dams are far more elaborate than ours were, though. We weren’t allowed to dig up the driveway of the house in New Mexico with shovels, and there was definitely no creek there. We built dams with rocks — and only on the rare occasions that there was water flowing (i.e.,only when the combines were being washed). We thought that was delightfully fun (the dam building, not the combine washing).
Comment by Arat — February 26, 2009 @ 6:21 am
It’s an occasional creek that runs mainly in the winter/spring with the winter run off and heavier rains.
Yes, dams building can be very fun. Part of the allure is digging in mud. They are building “stoves” with the rocks in the driveway now.
Thanks for commenting on The Boy’s first post!
Comment by JustMe — March 15, 2009 @ 8:45 pm