They are ferocious!

They crept into our yard and took over the tree. They are mean, vicious and terribly….terribly….

They came in, terrorized us and just as mysteriously, left.

I hope they don’t find their way to your trees.
Note: This is a guest post by The Boy.
I built my dam off of the creek hoping to reduce the risk of flooding by taking water off the creek. I was trying to make a ditch to take the water from the creek since I had to get water into the dam I had to shovel water from the creek with the shovel. Which is no fun especially when you have dirt separating the mini reservoir from the creek.

I wasn’t very successful because the creek dried up right after I built it.

The board helped a little to keep the dirt from washing away.

I thought this looked like it was under water.

Self portrait of the author.

Miss Sunshine has name issues. When she likes someone she calls them “My Friend” even when she knows their name. She did that with the boy that they argued about, hardly ever using his name. Then a new “My Friend” came into the picture.
The local homeschool group has a sports time where the older kids learn to play a variety of sports and then we go over to a local gym and have recreation time. It’s just a big free for all open gym time where the kids can run around, play with balls and have a good time. The Moms sit around talking. After one of these days, MIss Sunshine came home talking about “My Friend”. A girl this time. After several times, I managed to get a name out of her but there are two girls with that name. At first I thought it was the younger one but with help from The Boy and Pixie, I figured out it was the older one- she’s probably 10. I don’t really notice them interacting that much but it she seems to have made an impression.
Miss Sunshine thinks “My Friend” is really neat. She gets excited that she might see her, makes her drawings and cards. It’s fun to see.
I suppose, one of these days, “My Friend” will change. I just hope it doesn’t take me weeks to figure out who she is talking about.
“Us girls don’t like that!”
“Us girls want to go there.”
A united front of girls.

You will need to click to enlarge the thumbnail to see that the Farmer is wearing her brother’s boots. We found the hats at a thrift store and they’ve been wearing them ever since.
“Well, gee, Miss Pixie, think it might rain?”

Miss Pixie

Farmer Sunshine holding Baby Jonathan.