Borned a Baby (2 Comments)
“Has R borned a baby?” asked Sunshine about a month ago.
Umm, no.
“When will she borned a baby?” she persisted.
Honey, as far as I know, there is no baby .
“But she got married!”
Yes, and that was a good first step but, you know, that it takes a long time to make a baby.
“Yes, I know!!!” Miss Know-It-All stated. She is the child that is always saying “I know!” loudly when a person tries to explain something that she obviously doesn’t understand. I’m also not to sure about her listening skills.
I thought the matter was laid to rest. I told R’s mother about it and we got a good chuckle out of it.
R came over for dinner the other day. Before they got here Miss Sunshine asked again-
“When will R borned her baby?”
I told you there is no baby!
“Yes, I know it takes a long time- but when?”
I rolled my eyes as we went round and round again.
Not believing her Mother, who obviously knows nothing about babies, she approached R after dinner.
“When are you borning a baby?”
Luckily, R has a sense of humor and again explained that there is no baby and probably will not be one for awhile. I hope this puts that idea to rest, I’m not holding my breath.
And if Sunshine is impatient about the length of time it takes to make A baby, would impatience kill her if she were awaiting THREE babies? Remember our friend Jody? We’ve recently learned she’s set to “borned” not one baby, or two babies, but THREE babies in August. Yep, triplets. She and her husband have only been hoping to “borned” a baby for about the last 6 years, so … (They are thrilled. Shocked, but thrilled.)
Comment by Arat — January 16, 2009 @ 10:44 pm
This conversation sounds very familiar. I have been havin it with H for the last 2 months. Now she tells me that I and her Daddy need to get married again and go to church and pray to God. She like Sunshine have got the concept that you have to be married. Now she thinks you have to get married everytime you have a baby. I am afraid of what stories she tells people when I am not around! PS- I have no baby incase she spreads that rummor around.
Comment by Christina W — January 21, 2009 @ 6:14 pm