September 8, 2008

Odds and Ends (3 Comments)

Filed under: Life,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 3:43 pm

Hummingbird Whoosh! Where does the time go?

(Warning: This photo has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the subject matter of this post. To view larger, click- at your own risk- on image.)

  • My children get very excited when they get new underwear. They need to get out more, the children- not their underwear.
  • Boxers are, apparently, a sign of manhood.
  • We bought Pixie new jeans, even though I swore I was not going to buy her any new clothes. She was all ready for a flood so I caved. She tried them on, liked them, said she’d wear them, yada, yada, yada.
  • She is refusing to wear them.
  • Pixie comes alive while shopping and trying on clothes…. as long as they are for her.
  • I canned 27 pints of tomatoes. My first time canning tomatoes- all of them sealed.
  • I canned 14 quarts of peaches Sunday afternoon between church services.
  • The pears are ripening while they wait their turn in the canner.
  • We went to a parade on Saturday but we got there too late to get a spot on the curb which means the kids didn’t get hardly any candy. (The rules of the parade are that the candy cannot be thrown so only the people right on the curb get any.) The kids were disappointed. I tried to tell them it was fun to just watch the parade and not get candy. Yeah, I know, they didn’t believe me either.
  • Sunday we joined other churches in a service at the park. We were about the last to leave- even the clean up crew was gone. Hey, there were people to talk to- who are slower to leave than us.
  • We went back to town for evening church because there was a special singer there. Very nice.
  • This weekend just flew by!
  • I think we are all caught up now.



  1. I’m curious… when Pixie refuses to wear the clothes she has vowed to wear, do you return them knowing that she will never cave in, or do you hang them in the closet to be “stashed” until you pass them on to someone else? I have often wondered the fate of Pixie’s rejects.

    Comment by Liesel — September 9, 2008 @ 10:24 am

  2. Ah well, I think that question merits it’s own post. Probably on Thursday. Thanks for the blog fodder. 🙂

    Comment by JustMe — September 9, 2008 @ 3:03 pm

  3. […] was asked a question in the comments on this post and I thought I’d answer it in a blog post since it was going to be a fairly long, drawn out […]

    Pingback by Char’s Blog » Pixie and Clothes — September 15, 2008 @ 4:30 pm

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