July 4, 2008

Called Out and Coming Clean (2 Comments)

Filed under: Blog Stuff — The Spider Herself @ 11:19 am

It started out innocently enough- a few post titles in a row that started with the letter “C” and then the wayward thought of “I wonder how many I can come up with?” Watch out for wayward thoughts, they can be dangerous.

Then, after awhile, I wondered if anyone was noticing. No one commented, which is the only way that I know that you know, etc. This blog thing can be a communication tool, ya know, but in order for that to happen you have to leave a comment all you lurkers! I know you are out there.

The Col. finally noticed and then fed me a few “C” titles because I was getting stuck. I thought I’d end it at the end of June because of that. But with a few more ideas- plus some titles without post ideas to work with, on I went.

After a total of 23 posts with titles starting with “C” (this is #24) the charming, smart, funny (single) brother of mine called me out with this comment:

c, you’re cilling me with all those titles that start with C. Cwit already! :D

Whew! Now I can stop! Anyway, Eric gets a prize for being the first to comment about it. Although I have no prize to actually give. Maybe I’ll let him have my three kids for a weekend. Ha! No, that would be a prize for ME! I’ll have to think of something.

See? It pays to comment- then you too might win a non-existent prize!


  1. You pulled on over on me. I am not very observant. My Hubby can shave or change his facial hair, and I don’t even notice. It drives him nuts. Now you know why if there is a crowd of witnesses, they will each give a different discription. Happy 4th!

    Comment by Christina W — July 4, 2008 @ 8:23 pm

  2. It went unnoticed. Sorry. And I love non-existent prizes. I’ll be more alert now, lol.

    Comment by Lindsey — July 5, 2008 @ 11:07 am

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