Catastrophe! (1 Comment)
The discussion came up here recently about trees- see the comments on this post. Since these things all tend to run together in my mind- wait, what mind? It got me thinking about the trees we do have on the place- lovingly planted by The Col. and cared for by all of us.
Then I got to thinking about the troubles we’ve had getting them to actually, you know, grow. I hear that is what they are supposed to do.
He planted some poplars around the property line a while back, weeds were growing up around them some but we were watering them and they were growing. Until one was mowed down by the neighbor cutting weeds. Others were chewed off by gophers. Only one of that bunch survived due to various reasons.
The Col. put wire fencing around the baby trees when he planted more last year because of the deer issue. We watered all last summer and things looked pretty good.
Then the wind storm hit last.. when was it? winter, I think. The fencing came loose around some of the trees and banged the poor things all up. Some blew away which left the trees unprotected. This is what happened.
The deer (or something) ate the miniature peach tree down to almost nothing.
This one is a pine (I can’t remember which kind but The Col. knows.) It doesn’t look so good. You can see the wire fencing around it. It’s only about 15″ tall.
We do have quite a few trees that so far seem to be making it. Quite a few poplars because they grow fast and seem to do well here. The taller trees around the house are willows and were planted by the previous owner. We are thankful for their shade! Plus a red leafed maple, three crabapples, three cherry trees, a Mountain Ash, a locust, a weeping willow, several pines and I’m sure I’m missing some.
Catastrophe struck again this last week.
The swather got it- cage and all. Poor baby!
[…] one makes light of what a catastrophe is, then one leaves oneself open to […]
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