Counting (4 Comments)
****Updated with correct numbers****
How high can we go? It’s anyone’s guess.
Just what are we counting, tallying on a daily basis?
Mosquito bites on The Boy.
I should clarify that- “we” aren’t keeping count by choice but there is one of us who is very interested in the numbers and keeps us minutely informed.
Do you see eyes rolling?
To be honest, The Boy is effected by bites more than the average Joe. The bites tend to swell up on him and annoy him more than most. It leaves one to wonder about the constant…. complaining. Is it really bothering him or is he not dealing well with minor discomfort? Since he reacts so to them it’s hard to know. So we medicate him- mostly to relieve our own suffering.
I think we are up to 22, just in case you were wondering.
(Don’t worry, West Nile has not been reported in our county…. yet. Whoops! I was informed I was wrong- a bird was found to have it in 2006 but none has been reported since then.)
I feel his suffering LOL My dh claims that his bites itch a day or so. Mine swell up and itch for at least a week! Plus the little buggers
absolutely love me, i’m covered in a matter of moments.
btw, my 3 year old son is very into counting too, a couple days ago he became fastinated with how many moles i have on my leg….if he realizes i’m covered with them, he’ll never stop counting!
Comment by Bev. — June 18, 2008 @ 1:46 pm
Oh I know it must bug him that’s why we “medicate” him with the anti-itch stuff and antihistamine. My husband says we should medicate ourselves because The Boy gets obsessive and will talk, and talk, and talk about it until a person’s eyes are glazed over and they are begging for relief.
How high can your son count? It’s good practice! LOL! I have moles all over too and the kids are always pointing them out to me.
Comment by JustMe — June 18, 2008 @ 3:07 pm
Lacking the surface area of a certain tall youngster, my kid’s only up to nine. Can he feel them? I dunno, but they probably don’t rate with the four shots he got today.
Comment by kn. — June 20, 2008 @ 4:54 pm
Oh poor baby! For the mosquito bites and for the shots. 🙁 Neither one is any fun!
Comment by JustMe — June 20, 2008 @ 9:34 pm