June 12, 2008

Climate Change? (5 Comments)

Filed under: Photos,Uncategorized — The Spider Herself @ 1:30 pm

One can’t really call it Global Warming because this part of the globe is not warming.

June Snows in the Blues

Click on the photo to better see this panoramic photo that The Col. took.

Tuesday’s storm set a rainfall record in town; the .77 of an inch flooded the previous half inch record set in 1923. Also broken was the maximum low temperature record; the high of 50 degrees breaking the 59 degree previous record set in 1972 for our area. I hope none of the schools were going to the pool for end of the year activities! Burrr!

In the mountains the “rainfall” was not rain. It was snow. Lots of it! With areas reporting between 9″ and 14″. Yes- Fourteen inches of snow fell on June 10th. We saw chunks of snow lying on the freeway where it had fallen off of the trucks. Chains were required for awhile and the snow plows were out in force.

We were supposed to meet up with others at a local park to play. Ha! We were not that hearty and choose to stay indoors.

The low temperatures have been in the 40’s but on the 8th and last night, they dipped to 33 degrees. No wonder it’s so hard to grow things here.

Now, remind me about this cool weather in August when I am complaining about the heat.


  1. That was a crazy storm! I got a phone call from a friend that was traveling over the mountain and said it was snowing hard and accumulating quickly. Then today is back to June weather. Very strange.

    Comment by Lindsey — June 12, 2008 @ 5:16 pm

  2. We are on vacation this week, so we thought we would take the little one camping on Monday. It rained all night Monday. I was up at 6 AM on Tue and it was raining. At 8 AM we woke up to snow. We put little girl in the truck, pulled out the tent pulls and through the tent, sleeping bags and pads into the truck and took off for home. We were up the North Fork of the Umatilla. The road was full of tree branches that were falling from the weight of the snow. We passed a fish and game rig and then came to a tree in the road. No chain saw, just had a hand saw. We get pass that tree and keep heading down the road until we were stopped dead in our tracks by a huge tree in the road. Luckily we were next to the Bar M ranch and 4×4 to their road to get out. It was an adventure. I had my camera, but no batteries! PS- our windshield wippers were not working part of the time. (a Chevy thing) Thank goodness we are experiencing Global Warming!

    Comment by Christina White — June 13, 2008 @ 8:46 am

  3. Oh my! What an adventure! Glad you got out safe! At least you had the hand saw- we’ve been in the snow without a shovel even. Just because that’s the kind of things we do for fun. LOL!

    The photo is looking right up at where you were.

    Comment by JustMe — June 13, 2008 @ 8:52 am

  4. This year the weather has been crazy everywhere it seems… But to be the scholarly geek that I’m supposed to be (hah!), I hate to burst your bubble about the lack of global warming you are receiving. Global warming is a misleading term since warming won’t occur everywhere. It signals changes is previous patterns – where rain is prevalent, more rain will occur; where heat is prevalent, more heat will occur; and other types of changes. So I guess my point is that all is changing but in unpredictable ways, some more subtle than others. Anyways, off of my geek box… Pretty picture. I like the contrast between the blue/white in the top of the picture compared to the green/browns in the lower half. Almost looks like they should be separate pictures.

    Comment by Liesel — June 13, 2008 @ 10:56 am

  5. Hello Ms. Scholarly Geek! I can’t call you Dr. Geek yet, but in a year? Yipee! 🙂

    I do know that the powers that be are now trying to call it “climate change” as opposed to “global warming” because global warming doesn’t describe what is happening in all areas.

    Does that mean that the Wet West Side will get wetter? Boy, Dad will be glad (ha, ha) to know that! I guess then we should be getting drier, and it does seem to be happening. Overall, except for the record rainfall (on one day) and snowfall. 🙂 But to be honest, I tend not to put too much importance on anecdotal evidence, even my own. 🙂

    Ah weather, it sure is interesting! Do I sound like Grandpa now?

    Comment by JustMe — June 13, 2008 @ 3:03 pm

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