May (0 Comments)
Whew! May is (almost) over! It is always a crazy month around here and this year was no exception. May is a time when the grass starts growing, the weeds start growing, and, if you want it to grow- the garden planted. It’s lovely to see things start greening up, the flowers starting to bloom and the strawberries coming on. But- there is always a but, isn’t there?- these things also need attention from the humans in the household. Not just The Dog digging holes in the grass or the deer and pheasants feasting on the fresh grown sprigs.
Add to that- two birthdays, Mother’s Day, The Col.’s Annual Drill, lots of evenings worked, our church activities (partially increased due to the move), servers crashing, visiting Grandparents, and illnesses and the pleasant spring month of May becomes the month from…. well, you know where.
At this end of it I am grateful for the Blessings that May brings. Baby birds in the nests, flowers blooming, rain and sunshine… plus the joys of the two of us whose births we celebrated.
But I am glad it’s over, I’m tired.
Maybe June will slow down a bit.
Stop laughing!