April 21, 2008

The Weather……again (2 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 3:02 pm

What is it with this weather?   This winter we had more snow fall then we’ve had in years- not neccessarily colder temperatures though.  The snow was a good thing- we needed the moisture.  But after that it’s just been pretty cool.  The wind often blows at our place and it’s been a cold, cold wind lately.

March 30th- snow fall of about 3/4 of an inch.

Then mainly highs in the 50’s but still dipping down below freezing at night (not an unusual occurrence ).  It built up to the 60s and  then it  soared to a high of  82.8 on April 13th.  Plants started to really perk up and then we start hitting lows of 24.4 degrees and highs back in the low 50’s.

Then today, the temps are in the low 50s and I glance out the window and think that the cotton from the cottonwoods is starting to fly already when I realize that it wasn’t cotton but a white, snow like substance falling from the sky.  It’s not fluffy, star shaped like snow but it’s not hard enough for hail.  I am sure there is a scientific term for it but I am not sufficiently edukatd to know it.

The plants and my body are very confused.


  1. I know what is the deal with this weather. I finally had to plant the seeds indoors that we usually direct plant into the garden. I hate waiting this long to plant. I have Safeway bags over my tender plants I planted on that 80 degree day thinking spring was here. They still got some frost damage but I am hoping they will make it. Meanwhile my front yard looks trashy with Safeway sacks cluttering it!

    I hope when it warms up it will be a nice middle ground in temps and we can adjust to the warmth, at this rate it will have to turn straight to summer! HAHA

    Comment by Jules — April 22, 2008 @ 9:18 am

  2. Oh no! It’s going to jump right into the high 80’s and 90’s without the middle ground stuff. Oh, that’s just me being pessimistic again. But that seems to happen here quite a bit- it’s hot or cold no in between.

    We haven’t done anything in the garden yet, just haven’t had the time plus the weather.

    Comment by JustMe — April 22, 2008 @ 9:59 am

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