April 3, 2008

Tan Pants (4 Comments)

Filed under: KJ — The Spider Herself @ 7:56 pm

“I don’t have anything to wear!”

This is getting to be familiar lament, and not in a good way.

The other pants are in the wash- don’t you have any thing else?

She was wearing a dress but I had told her she could not wear tights outside again because they get dirty and holey.

How about leggings under your dress?

Oh horrors! Not that!

What about those tan pants on your shelf?


I bought her a pair of tan slacks and her Gramma bought her a pair of tan pants- kind of jean like. Has she worn them? Of course not. I doubt she ever will. They are not pink. They have no flash to them like her jeans that are embedded with rhinestones (well, not rhinestones but plastic clear and pink flashy things. Is anyone else looping “Rhinestone Cowboy“? Showing my age again.) She wore the tan pants out in the snow ONCE, calling them snow pants because what else are they good for?

In this case, she put on another skirt (can’t wait until she does her own laundry) and went out bare legged- in 47 degree, windy weather. To her credit, she didn’t complain.

So if you are out shopping and you see a pair of tan pants, or any other tan colored clothing item, and you think maybe she will like them, just keep walking and save your money.

When she is 50 and I am ancient beyond all belief and she comes to visit me in the nursing home wearing TAN pants, I will shuffle about with my walker, pointing my bony finger at her, and saying loudly:

“SEE HER!?!?!? She is wearing TAN! TAN I tell you! When she was FIVE she refused to wear TAN! TAN was not PINK! Look at HER!”

She’ll be embarrassed at the fuss and annoyed at me and I will be laughing, laughing I tell you!


  1. Sounds like you need a BeDazzler!

    Comment by kn. — April 4, 2008 @ 3:47 pm

  2. Yes, I’ve seen those advertised!

    “My name is Tina and you may know me from national television!”

    Umm, nope.

    “You too can have this wonderful tool for only 3 easy payments of 19.95 plus $275.45 shipping and handling!”

    We’ll have to save up for it.

    Comment by JustMe — April 12, 2008 @ 1:42 pm

  3. […] We looked at skirts. Sigh. The ones that fit her around the waist are size 4/5 and are way too short. The 6’s are too big around the waist and practically fall off of her. Either way, she’s flashing people. Although, there are scooters out there that have a short built in under the skirt. But still, having all that leg sticking out from the bottom…. I asked a friend if she would be willing to sew lace or something on the bottom of the 4/5s and she said yes. She said she could also take in an inch on the sides of the 6’s pretty easy too. I wonder how hard that would be with the shorts in there too? I had thought that maybe TG would wear them after Pixie but if they are taken in, I don’t know if she will be able to do that. But, at the moment, TG is rebelling against wearing dresses- there is a ton of dresses hanging in her closet and she refuses to wear them. But she is very happy to wear the tan pants. […]

    Pingback by Char’s Blog » Pizza Straps and Other Clothing Issues — April 30, 2008 @ 2:57 pm

  4. […] me pick them out- now they are not pink but she said she’d wear them. There was not any tan to be seen. One set has not adorned her body and the other was worn once. We picked out some cute […]

    Pingback by Char’s Blog » Clothes Choices — June 28, 2008 @ 10:40 am

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