November 15, 2007

Gum, gum every where (4 Comments)

Filed under: HP,KJ,Life,Personalities — The Spider Herself @ 9:16 am

I awoke to hear footsteps coming down the hall. It wasn’t terrible early but it’s a day when The Col. leaves early and I like to lounge in bed for a bit. It wasn’t the usual footsteps that I hear early in the morning. The Otter had already been up surveying the situation and had quietly gone back to bed. These footsteps were bigger, louder so I knew it was The Boy. He paused inside the door. I contemplated not opening my eyes but he lingered long enough I thought I’d take a peek. He saw the eyes.


Sigh. What?

“K dropped gum in my bed and it’s all over me! And the bed!”

Groan. Al l right I’ll be there in a minute.

As I got up and dressed I heard him jumping around in his room. I finally figured out it was to try and stay warm. I was actually feeling a wee bit sorry for him.

I headed back and first tried rubbing it off with my fingers. The Boy doesn’t have a high tolerance for pain and he is not quiet about expressing himself. After a few shrieks in my ear I decided that wasn’t working and we went to the bathroom to use a washcloth. I tried a warm washcloth because the poor skinny thing was pretty cold but that tended to soften it and cause it to get gummy again so it was taking quite a bit of rubbing. I’d work on one area, the inside of his leg, and then another, one of his arms, so that one area wouldn’t get too tender. All the while listening to the shrieks coming from his poor tortured mouth. I was hoping to get his leg cleaned off so he could get pants on to help him warm up. I was cursing K and contemplating a gum ban for her and possibly the world when she wandered in.

The Boy yelled at her that it was all her fault. She confessed that it had fallen out of her mouth when they were wrestling and that they had looked for it but couldn’t find it.

Wait a minute! THEY looked for it? Did H know it was there? Why yes, the (I really want to put “idiot” here but we don’t allow name calling in our house) precious child did know it was there. They looked for it in their childish way, exactly where they thought it landed and couldn’t see it so they promptly stopped looking. Nor did they tell a Parental Unit about said lost gum.

I promptly stopped feeling even the teeniest amount of sympathy and rubbed to my hearts content.

The gum is off The Boy but is still on the sheets. I’ll have to figure out how to get it off of there next.

What a way to start the day.


  1. Does he have any skin left? 😉

    Comment by Col. Panic — November 15, 2007 @ 10:10 am

  2. Skin is overrated anyway.

    Try ice on the sheets. Or if you have Shout on hand, WD-40 or peanut butter. Test that first; it could leave greasy marks.

    Comment by kn. — November 15, 2007 @ 3:34 pm

  3. K an otter? She actually kinda looks like one, with those big brown eyes, dark hair, and especially that look mischievous in her eyes!

    Comment by Liesel — November 30, 2007 @ 6:33 am

  4. I did get the gum out of the sheets and his tee shirt. I froze the sheets for awhile (until I need the freezer space) but with the gum not in one lump and smeared about it didn’t seem to help. Then I rubbed peanut butter into it and washed them and that did it. I had to run the shirt through again- with more peanut butter but it all came out. Thanks for your advice!

    Comment by JustMe — December 5, 2007 @ 3:53 pm

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