Salty Mail (1 Comment)
I actually went to a Sunday School class for adults a couple of weeks ago. We are usually late and I sometimes have some other things to do so I am often not in attendance. We talked about being “salt” to the world and what it meant to lose our “saltiness”. We tasted crackers without salt to taste how flat it was compared to one with salt. I said something inane in class, just because I like to look foolish but after some thought- way after class was over- I came up with some ideas.
When a person is standing up for what they believe the Bible is saying and defending that position, kindly and gently- then they are being salt. When that same person is caught in a indiscretion then they lose their saltiness because people think that person was hypocritical. Any good they did before or will try to do after will be tainted. Also, if a person is constantly a grump to the clerk in the store, chewing them out for things beyond their control- is that person being ‘salt’? We would not be surprised to find that clerk does not want anything to do with church because the people there are two faced. When we are kind, giving, sincere and willing to admit when we goof up then we are being salt.
The following Saturday I received a card in the mail thanking me for being in class. Included was a small packet of salt. I thought it was a good reminder of what we talked about. Also, it was a gentle way of heaping molten coals on a person’s head if they were even considering skipping class the next day.
Last Sunday, I was once again dutifully in attendance and we discussed Matthew 5:28-30 which states (in part) “And if your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off, and throw it from you…”
I don’t mind saying that I await Saturday’s mail with a certain amount of trepidation. Perhaps it will be The Col.’s turn to open the mailbox.
…wouldn’t you give your hand to a friend…
Comment by Col. Panic — October 22, 2007 @ 9:23 pm