September 25, 2007

Bloggy Stuff (4 Comments)

Filed under: Blog Stuff — The Spider Herself @ 4:04 pm

In case you have wondered- and even if you didn’t- the photo in the banner at the top of the page is indeed of our little homestead. We live in the rectangular box, the neat building with the steep pitched roof is the Shop. It’s a sad day when The Shop is fancier than The Home. It’s not finished inside so that is one advantage that the house has going for it.

There is now a place for you to subscribe! This means that an email would be sent to you when an entry is added to the blog. You can choose to get the whole entry or just an excerpt in the email notification. If you are subscribed, you will not have to remember to check back to see if anything new has been added. Or you will not get tired and disappointed after checking back daily for days on end with no new post. You can also choose to get a notification for all posts or just for ones in certain categories. So if you are only interesting in one of the kids then you could just subscribe to that kid’s category. It’s easy, free and Col. Panic took the time and effort to get it installed so don’t disappoint him. Click on the “Why Register” at the top.
Speaking of the good (ahem) Col. Panic- if you have ever wondered how he got that name check out the Site Hacker page.

Just as a curiosity, do you all like the font? Too small, too big, too plain, or too difficult to read? Maybe ‘just right’? Let us know!

Thanks for reading our little blog. I enjoy hearing from you whether here or via email. Keep checking back, now, ya hear?


  1. But maybe some of us are so OCD, that we are compelled to check back every day and therefore subscribing would really be pointless. We (me) already have our (my) own little version of subscribing! 🙂 So very sorry to disappoint!

    As for the font……it’s beee-uuuuuu-teeee-ful!

    Comment by lostgirl — September 25, 2007 @ 9:56 pm

  2. I already check your blog more often than my email. 🙂
    1. Kernal panic, very amusing. Found that section the other day, actually, before your mention. It’s starting to be corn harvest here, BTW. Kernal, colonel … anyway.
    2. Font choice, very clear and readable to me, but I suspect my mom would tell me I still have young eyes.
    3. I figured that had to be your place in the photo! The shop is not what I envisioned, but instead is much cooler. And you have mature trees! 🙂

    Comment by kn. — September 28, 2007 @ 6:56 am

  3. KN-
    Since you check here more than your email- I’ll hope you see this.
    Hope corn (kernel) harvest goes well for you! Is your Dad doing it for you?
    The larger trees were actually here when we bought the place but they were pretty small- it looked like a rectangular box plopped down in a grass field. It looks nicer now! The shop adds character and the trees are very nice. We (by ‘we’ I mean The Col.) planted a bunch of new trees this spring. We look forward to them getting larger and adding more shade and character to the place.
    Your Folks sent us a very nice letter a bit ago- I need to respond to them. We enjoy hearing from you all. 🙂

    Comment by JustMe — October 2, 2007 @ 3:56 pm

  4. The perspective and reduced size of the photo give the illusion of more mature trees around the house than there actually are. The tallest ones that you see directly behind the house are actually 200′ or so *beyond* the house along the creek.

    BTW, North Coyote Creek is dry most of the year, but moves a lot of water when there’s snowmelt or heavy rains going on (especially when we get those lovely chinook storms that dump a lot of rain down on a layer of pre-existing ice!). The creek normally cuts through a tiny corner of our “homestead,” but spreads out over considerably more when blockages force it out over its banks in the field above us.

    So good to hear from you, KN!

    Comment by Col. Panic — October 3, 2007 @ 9:06 am

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