August 6, 2007

Brain Functioning (3 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 8:40 pm

Or not.

I think to myself- “I’ll put this someplace where I will not lose it and it’ll be safe.”

It’s really a guarantee that I’ll never find it again.

I hardly ever goof up a recipe. But a few weeks ago I was making a recipe that I was familiar with, which means I didn’t look at the instructions as closely as I should have, and mixed the filling with some of the topping ingredients. Had to throw a bunch of really sweet cream cheese away. Then I made some custard from a powder (It’s something that is not found here but is popular in Australia and Brittan.) I misread the instructions and put in two TEAspoons instead of TABLE spoons. I thought it seemed really runny, checked the box again and smacked my forehead. So I stirred in two tablespoons more- making it not only thin but lumpy. To really boost my confidence I made a blackberry pie for the family. My Mom is really the pie maker in the family and I have been shy about even trying to follow in her footsteps. I have been trying to avoid trans fats so have been making my crust with oil. I decided it wasn’t worth the hassle and made it with shortening this time. I noted to myself that the shortening was low and would need more before making another pie. The pie turned out nicely, by the way. Bolstered by this, I decided to make a blueberry pie from the bounty we brought home from my parents for the Church Pot luck. KJ helped put the sugar on the berries and I measured out the flour and salt only to realize when I opened the shortening that there wasn’t enough. I knew that! Now what? I used butter instead and it seemed ok. I personally didn’t get to eat it as there was none left- I didn’t notice any in the garbage.

I am researching our family history. I have much of the research that my Grandfather did many years ago. I was looking for something in particular but couldn’t remember where I had seen it. I looked through all the papers, all the branches of the family more than once trying to find it. I KNEW it was around somewhere. Finally, after a cousin sent me a copy she had, I found it in a folder on the computer. It was already scanned, not in paper form. Probably my Mom has the original. I knew it had to be here SOMEWHERE but could I remember? NO!

Brett askes me to fill the hummingbird feeders or to turn off water before he goes to work. Hours later, or when he comes home from work he sees that I haven’t done it. Once, I left the soaker house on out front for the whole day. Complete blank on my part. Oh yeah, I guess he did ask that.

I wish the black holes in my brain would fill up. They suck information down into them with their strong gravitational pull and it’s never to be seen again. I don’t understand how things can completely disappear. I can remember some things so clearly- I remember holding the piece of paper in my hand and thinking “I’ll put this here so that I don’t forget it in my pocket and wash it.” But where was that “here”? Darned if I know. Do you?


  1. Hairbrush box? Recipe drawer? Last book you were reading? Anyway, that’s where stuff ends up in my house.

    And weren’t those paint pots cool? Smelly too.

    Comment by kn. — August 9, 2007 @ 11:46 am

  2. Suitcase, actually, I was sure I put it in my purse. I found it only AFTER I asked someone else for the information I had written down.

    Someone asked us what we saw in Yellowstone and The Col. answered “people”. How very true. I would like to go back when it’s less crowded, which will be easier to do since we homeschool. One of these years….

    Good to hear from you KN!

    Comment by justme — August 9, 2007 @ 9:30 pm

  3. 🙂

    When we went to Ouray in the dead of December two years ago, it was a backup plan — the original plan was Yellowstone — but it turned out it was closed at the time I had vacation days. But from what I’ve read, there are far fewer people and much more spectacular shows (notably steam) when it reopens in mid-January (I think). So there are my two cents’ worth.

    Comment by kn. — August 10, 2007 @ 12:16 pm

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