April 10, 2007

Why I have been missing (0 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 2:46 pm

I have been doing genealogy research instead of updating this or writing personal emails.  Sorry everyone!

It is exciting when I am doing the research and actually FIND information.  I found the ship that my Norwegian ancestors came on, not through Ellis Island but Quebec, Quebec.  Now I have a copy of the ship’s passenger list.

But I keep hitting brick walls with several of my searches.  It doesn’t help that several of the names are exceeding common- think of my maiden name.  Sometimes the first name is unusual and that can help but there is always the common names that every one seems to share.  Some names are not so common, but then they are always spelled wrong.  The “i” before the “e” or the “x” changed to a “r”.  I found a family on the census that had the relatively easy name of “Cooper” but it was miss indexed as “Casper”.  It’s on a census that is just indexed with no images attached so I can’t go look at it but I know it’s the right family- right location, right first names and ages.  Sigh.

Good thing I like research and challenges- as long as those challenges don’t come from my kids!

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