No Upper Brain Activity (5 Comments)
As I sit here, mind void of higher brain activity being made number by repeated games of Spider Solitaire, I wonder why I have a blog.
I have been reading other’s prose on the Web and am definitely in awe of what some people produce. Some people have things to say and say it well. Some produce tons of stuff- posting multiple times a day- even when they don’t have anything to say. And here I sit- being watched by multiple “camera traps” that my son has positioned all around the house (not to worry if you are concerned about your next visit being “caught” on camera- they are made out of Legos.) and nothing of import has come to mind. Maybe I am too worried about “importance”. Maybe the Camera Traps are inhibiting my creativity. Having a blog and feeling the need to “produce” for my phantom readers is stressful. Yooo Hooo! Anyone out there?
Then I remind myself why I wanted to do this trendy thing. I wanted to record what was happening in our family and comment on things of interest to me (rather narcissistic, isn’t it?) Also to let other people, mostly family and friends, keep caught up on our lives. Mainly, the kids. They change so fast. So with that in mind, I don’t have to be Shakespeare (or is it Shackspar?) or to be the best speller (I even confuse spell check) or grammatically correct (I know, too many commas and dashes) but just honest.
Even with Camera Traps watching my every move.
…You just never know who is out there…
Comment by col.panic — March 27, 2007 @ 2:55 pm
I read your blog……every day in fact! I just don’t always comment because I have nothing important or even interesting to say. And maybe one of these days, I’ll even update my own blog.
Comment by lostgirl — March 28, 2007 @ 6:25 am
Lostgirl- I know YOU and Col.Panic read it. And another friend in an email has commented that she stops by.
It is difficult to think of things to say in the comments. Especially when it’s not a deep and compelling post. I know I have read many a blog and not left a comment. Witness the inanity that I have left on your blog.
Thanks for letting me know you are out there!
Oh, and let me know when you do post something on your blog. I’ve given up checking. Bad Friend!
Comment by justme — March 28, 2007 @ 7:12 am
[…] “Can I shoot the camera traps?” […]
Pingback by Char’s Blog » Guns, no Roses — October 11, 2007 @ 3:34 pm
[…] in the living room area to spy on people. They have been there for almost a year, I mentioned them here back in March and I was tired of their presence. So he was climbing up the closet opening to reach […]
Pingback by Char’s Blog » “Agony!” — January 26, 2008 @ 12:06 pm