Creamless (0 Comments)
I decided that I should forgo cream (the real thing, “heavy” even) in my coffee. I thought it might be hindering any weight loss efforts. Yesterday I drank BLACK coffee. No milk either. I survived, but just barely. (It wasn’t too bad actually. Don’t tell.)
I mentioned this to The Big Guy and his first reaction was of concern for my well being. Snort! Fooled you! His first thought was that HE would have to do without (he likes it on occasion) or drink a whole lot more of it so that what we did buy didn’t go bad. So with my well being and happiness in mind he convinced me that the small amount I have in my (most of the time) one mug of coffee wouldn’t derail my health.
So I am creamless no more. It’s in the coffee this morning. Yum.