February 21, 2007

Bathroom Blues (3 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 2:28 pm

KJ has discovered locks on doors. This hasn’t been a problem….until today. She must have turned the lock on “Henry”- the name for the bathroom by the kid’s rooms- then was able to get out but then the door was shut again with no one in there. And now it’s locked tight. So we have all be using the master bathroom. This was fine….until the toilet became plugged. It’s very easy to do in our low flow, cheap toilets. The plunger is in Henry. Quite the quandary. If I was mechanically inclined, I would try to stick something in the hole in the knob to unlock Henry but I think I’ll just wait until The Col. gets home. Hope he’s not too late tonight.


  1. Oh my! Hope Brett got home early. Maybe should spring for another plunger to live in the master bathroom! LOL! You could send everyone outside to go…..LOL! Sorry……I shouldn’t snicker at your quandry!

    Comment by lostgirl — February 22, 2007 @ 4:23 am

  2. LOL! I found it rather amusing myself! The toilet was draining but slowly so we were able to use it some. Hans was thrilled to go outside. You are right that we need two plungers! Brett did get home “earlyish” and was able to get Henry open. Kirsten’s little flashlight was in there, on, of course, so the batteries are dead. She’ll have to go without for awhile as this is the second time she’s left it on.

    Comment by justme — February 22, 2007 @ 8:25 am

  3. […] Henry: Bathroom at one end of the house by three bedrooms. So named because I got tired of calling it “Hans” bathroom because, someday, all three kids will room at that end. […]

    Pingback by Char’s Blog » Dictionary — March 14, 2007 @ 1:06 pm

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